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From the desk of Dr. Travis Arrington

Shoulder Pain When Benching: Prevention and Solutions

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Shoulder pain when benching is a common issue faced by many individuals, often leading to discomfort and hindering progress in your fitness journey. In todays post, we will explore the potential causes of shoulder pain during bench pressing and discuss preventative measures that can be taken to alleviate discomfort and help individuals progress in their fitness journey.

We will discuss how improper form and muscle imbalances contribute to shoulder impingement, rotator cuff tears, and other issues affecting the posterior shoulder. Furthermore, we’ll outline effective treatment options for those already experiencing pain while bench pressing.

Lastly, we will examine the role chiropractic care plays in addressing underlying issues related to thoracic spine mobility and overall upper body health as it pertains to eliminating shoulder pain when benching.

Table of Contents:

What is Shoulder Pain?

Shoulder discomfort is a frequent difficulty which affects individuals of all ages, including both young athletes and adults. It can be caused by various factors such as injury, overuse, or underlying medical conditions. The shoulder joint is a complex structure made up of bones, muscles, tendons, and ligaments that work together to provide stability and movement for the arm. When any part of this system becomes damaged or inflamed, it can result in pain and discomfort.

The symptoms of shoulder pain may include:

  • Aching or sharp pain in the shoulder area
  • Limited range of motion
  • Weakness in the arm
  • Pain when lifting objects or raising your arm overhead
  • Swelling around the joint

Causes of shoulder pain are varied but can generally be categorized into three main groups: acute injuries (such as dislocations), chronic issues (like arthritis), and muscle imbalances (due to poor posture). Some specific causes include rotator cuff tears, frozen shoulder syndrome (adhesive capsulitis), impingement syndrome (pinched nerves), tendonitis (inflammation of tendons) among others.

Determining the Cause of Your Shoulder Pain

To identify what’s causing your shoulder pain accurately it’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional like a chiropractor who will perform an examination along with taking your medical history into account. They might also recommend imaging tests such as X-rays or MRI scans if necessary to help diagnose your condition accurately.

Understanding the root cause of your shoulder pain is crucial in determining the most effective treatment plan. If shoulder discomfort is caused by a muscular discrepancy as a result of poor posture, then taking action with chiropractic treatment and corrective workouts may help reduce the symptoms and avert future occurrences. On the other hand, if an acute injury like a dislocation is causing your pain, immediate medical attention may be required to ensure proper healing and recovery.

The Importance of Early Intervention

Regardless of the cause behind your shoulder pain, it’s essential to seek professional help as soon as possible. Early intervention can not only provide relief from discomfort but also prevent further damage or complications that might arise from untreated issues. In many cases, timely treatment with chiropractic care or lifestyle modifications can significantly improve overall health and well-being while reducing the risk of chronic problems down the line.

Shoulder pain can have a variety of sources, so it’s essential to comprehend the causes and treatments for this issue. Moving on, let’s explore how bench pressing can lead to shoulder pain in more detail.

Key Takeaway:

Shoulder pain is a common issue caused by injury, overuse or underlying medical conditions. To accurately determine the cause of shoulder pain, it’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional like a chiropractor who can perform an examination and recommend imaging tests if necessary. Early intervention through chiropractic care or lifestyle modifications can significantly improve overall health and well-being while reducing the risk of chronic problems down the line.

How Does Bench Pressing Cause Shoulder Pain?

Bench pressing is a common workout for developing upper body power, particularly in the chest and triceps. However, improper form or overloading can lead to shoulder pain when benching. Understanding the biomechanics of this exercise will help you identify potential issues that may cause discomfort.

The Role of Shoulder Joints in Bench Press

Your shoulders play a crucial role during bench pressing as they stabilize your arms while lifting the weight. The glenohumeral joint, which joins the humerus to the scapula, is particularly vulnerable due to its wide range of movement and shallow socket depth. This joint relies heavily on surrounding muscles and ligaments for support, making it prone to strain if not properly engaged during exercise.

Common Causes of Shoulder Pain When Benching

  • Improper Form: Incorrect positioning or movement patterns can place excessive stress on your shoulder joints, leading to inflammation and pain. For example, flaring out your elbows too much increases the risk of shoulder impingement, causing discomfort.
  • Lack of Mobility: Limited flexibility in the chest or thoracic spine can force you into poor positions when performing a bench press, putting undue pressure on your shoulders. It’s essential to work on mobility exercises before attempting heavy lifts.
  • Muscle Imbalances: Overdeveloped front deltoids compared with weaker rear deltoids may contribute to instability at the glenohumeral joint during bench presses. Incorporating balanced shoulder exercises into your routine can help eliminate shoulder pain and correct this issue.
  • Overloading: Lifting too much weight or performing excessive repetitions without adequate rest can lead to overuse injuries in the shoulder joint. It’s important to progress gradually and allow for sufficient recovery time between sessions.

The Impact of Bench Press Variations on Shoulder Pain

Different bench press variations may also contribute to shoulder pain, depending on individual factors such as anatomy and mobility. For instance, a wide grip puts more strain on the shoulders compared with a narrow grip. Additionally, flat bench presses tend to place greater stress on the front deltoids than incline or decline presses, which engage different muscle groups more evenly. Understanding how these variations affect your body will help you make informed decisions about your training program and minimize the risk of injury.

Bench pressing can cause shoulder pain due to incorrect form or overtraining, but with proper precautions and chiropractic care, it is possible to prevent this issue. To ensure a pain-free experience, it is important to take the necessary precautions when bench pressing.

Key Takeaway:

Improper form, lack of mobility, muscle imbalances and overloading can all cause shoulder pain when benching. The glenohumeral joint is particularly susceptible to injury due to its wide range of motion and relatively shallow socket. Different bench press variations may also contribute to shoulder pain depending on individual factors such as anatomy and mobility.

What Can Be Done to Prevent Shoulder Pain When Benching?

To prevent shoulder pain when bench pressing, it is essential to focus on proper form, warm-up exercises, and other preventive measures. By adhering to the recommended guidelines, you can minimize the chance of sustaining an injury and ensure your overall wellbeing when exercising.

Proper Form

Maintaining proper form during bench presses is crucial for preventing shoulder pain. Here are some tips:

  • Keep your feet flat on the ground and avoid lifting them up during the exercise.
  • Your grip should be slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.
  • Engage your core muscles throughout the movement to provide stability.
  • Tuck in your elbows at a slight angle (about 45 degrees) instead of flaring them out wide which puts more strain on the shoulders.
  • Fully retracting (pinching) your shoulder blades together helps create a stable base for pressing without putting undue stress on the shoulders.

Warm-Up Exercises

Warming up properly before any workout session is vital for reducing injury risks such as shoulder pain from bench pressing. Some effective warm-up exercises include:

  • Dumbbell or resistance band external rotations: These help activate rotator cuff muscles that stabilize the shoulder joint during bench presses.
  • Arm circles: Perform slow arm circles both clockwise and counterclockwise directions to increase blood flow around joints.
  • Scapular retractions: This exercise helps activate the muscles responsible for stabilizing shoulder blades during bench presses.

Strengthening Supporting Muscles

Strengthening supporting muscles around the shoulders can help prevent pain and injury when bench pressing. Incorporate exercises such as:

  • Rotator cuff strengthening exercises: These include resistance band external rotations, face pulls, and high-to-low rows.
  • Upper back strengthening exercises: Exercises like bent-over rows, seated cable rows, and pull-ups can help improve upper back strength to support your shoulders during bench presses.
  • Push-up variations: Different push-up styles (e.g., close-grip or wide-grip) work various muscle groups in the chest and arms while also engaging core stability muscles that protect the shoulder joint.

By following these guidelines on proper form, warm-up exercises, and strengthening supporting muscles around your shoulders, you can significantly reduce your risk of experiencing shoulder pain when performing bench presses.

By taking preventative measures such as using proper form and technique, warming up before benching, and engaging in strengthening exercises for the shoulder muscles, you can reduce your risk of developing shoulder pain when benching. It is essential to recognize what treatment choices are available if you have already been suffering from shoulder pain due to benching, so that you can gain some relief.

Key Takeaway:

To prevent shoulder pain when bench pressing, focus on proper form by keeping your feet flat, tucking in your elbows at a slight angle, and fully retracting your shoulder blades. Warm-up exercises like dumbbell external rotations and scapular retractions can help activate the muscles responsible for stabilizing the shoulders while strengthening supporting muscles with exercises such as rotator cuff strengthening and push-up variations can significantly reduce injury risks.

What Are the Treatment Options for Shoulder Pain?

If you’re experiencing shoulder pain when benching, it’s essential to address the issue before it worsens or leads to long-term damage. Taking a break and applying ice can be helpful in managing shoulder pain, allowing you to get back on track with your fitness objectives.

Rest and Ice

The first step in treating shoulder pain is often rest and ice application. Taking a break from bench pressing allows your muscles and joints time to heal while applying ice helps reduce inflammation. Cold compresses can be applied for 15-20 minutes at a time, multiple times per day.

Anti-inflammatory Medications

Over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medications like ibuprofen can provide temporary relief from shoulder pain by reducing inflammation. However, these should not be relied upon as a long-term solution since they only mask symptoms rather than addressing underlying issues. Before beginning any new medication, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional.

Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care is an effective treatment option for shoulder pain caused by bench pressing. A chiropractor will assess your overall musculoskeletal health and may perform adjustments to help realign the spine, improve joint mobility, and reduce muscle tension in the affected area.

Massage Therapy

Massage therapy can help alleviate shoulder pain by promoting relaxation of tight muscles and improving blood flow to the area. Regular massages from a licensed therapist can also support injury prevention efforts by keeping your muscles supple and flexible.

Alternative Therapies

In some cases, alternative therapies such as acupuncture or dry needling may provide relief from shoulder pain when traditional treatments haven’t been successful. These methods involve inserting thin needles into specific points on the body to stimulate healing responses within soft tissues. Learn more about these techniques here.

For the best results, consult with a chiropractor who can create an individualized plan to address your shoulder pain when benching and ensure you achieve optimal health. By addressing any underlying issues causing your shoulder pain when benching, you’ll be better equipped to prevent future injuries while continuing on your path toward optimal health and wellbeing.

It is essential to be aware of the potential advantages and dangers that come with each treatment when there are a range of options accessible. Chiropractic treatment is an excellent solution for those experiencing shoulder pain; we’ll look into how this method may help in the following part.

Key Takeaway:

If you experience shoulder pain when benching, it’s important to address the issue before it worsens. Treatment options include rest and ice, anti-inflammatory medications, chiropractic care, massage therapy and alternative therapies like acupuncture or dry needling. It’s essential to work with a healthcare professional who understands your unique needs and goals for optimal health and well-being.

How Can Chiropractic Help with Shoulder Pain?

Chiropractic is an evidence-based approach to managing shoulder pain stemming from physical activities, such as bench pressing, by targeting the underlying causes. It focuses on the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of musculoskeletal disorders, particularly those involving the spine and joints. Chiropractors can assist in attaining better health and well-being by addressing the fundamental cause of shoulder discomfort.

Spinal Adjustments

By utilizing chiropractic adjustments chiropractors can help alleviate shoulder pain by restoring proper alignment and function to specific joints. This involves applying controlled force to specific joints in order to restore proper alignment and function. Misalignments in the spine and shoulder can lead to muscle imbalances that contribute to shoulder pain during bench pressing; therefore, spinal adjustments provide relief by correcting these issues.

Soft Tissue Therapy

In addition to spinal adjustments, chiropractors often use soft tissue therapy techniques such as myofascial release or trigger point therapy for treating shoulder pain. These methods focus on releasing tension within muscles surrounding the affected joint(s), which helps reduce inflammation and promote healing.

Rehabilitation Exercises

A crucial component of any successful treatment plan for shoulder pain includes targeted rehabilitation exercises prescribed by your chiropractor. These exercises aim at strengthening weak muscles while stretching tight ones responsible for causing discomfort during bench presses. Some examples include:

  • Rotator cuff strengthening exercises like external rotations or internal rotations with resistance bands;
  • Scapular stabilization exercises such as wall slides or Y-T-W-L raises;
  • Pectoral stretches to improve flexibility and range of motion.

Ergonomic Advice and Lifestyle Modifications

Your chiropractor may also provide you with ergonomic advice on how to perform bench presses safely, reducing the risk of shoulder pain. This can include guidance on proper form, hand placement, grip width, and other factors that contribute to a safer workout experience. Additionally, they might suggest lifestyle modifications like incorporating regular breaks during workouts or implementing postural changes in daily activities for better overall musculoskeletal health.

Coordinated Care with Other Healthcare Professionals

In some cases, your chiropractor may recommend working alongside other healthcare professionals such as physical therapists or orthopedic specialists for comprehensive care tailored specifically towards your individual needs. This collaborative approach ensures optimal recovery from shoulder pain while promoting long-term well-being. To find out more about how chiropractic care can help alleviate shoulder pain caused by bench pressing and improve overall health, visit White Bison Well-Being.

Key Takeaway:

Chiropractic care can effectively manage shoulder pain caused by bench pressing through spinal manipulation, soft tissue therapy, rehabilitation exercises, ergonomic advice and lifestyle modifications. The treatment plan may also involve coordinated care with other healthcare professionals for optimal recovery and long-term well-being.

FAQs in Relation to Shoulder Pain When Benching

Why am I getting shoulder pain when benching?

Shoulder pain during bench pressing can result from poor form, muscle imbalances, or pre-existing injuries. Inappropriate technique may cause excessive strain on the rotator cuff muscles and tendons, leading to inflammation and discomfort. Ensuring proper form and gradually increasing weight can help prevent this issue.

How do I stop my shoulders from hurting when I bench press?

To avoid shoulder pain while bench pressing, focus on maintaining proper form by retracting your scapulae (shoulder blades), keeping elbows at a 45-degree angle to your body, and avoiding flaring them outwards. Additionally, warm up properly before lifting heavy weights and incorporate exercises that strengthen the rotator cuff muscles into your routine.

What is the most common shoulder injury from bench press?

The most common shoulder injury associated with bench pressing is impingement syndrome. This occurs when the rotator cuff tendons become compressed between the humerus bone and acromion process of the scapula during repetitive overhead movements like those in a bench press exercise. Impingement syndrome can lead to inflammation, tendonitis or even tears if not addressed promptly.

Does shoulder impingement go away?

Yes, with appropriate treatment such as rest from aggravating activities (including modifications in training), anti-inflammatory medications under medical supervision, physical therapy focusing on strengthening exercises for stabilizing muscles, and improving flexibility, shoulder impingement can resolve. In severe cases or if conservative treatments fail, surgical intervention may be necessary.


It is essential to identify the root of this pain and take preventive measures.

To prevent shoulder pain when benching, proper form should always be used, and weights should be gradually increased. Strengthening exercises for the shoulders and rotator cuff can also help reduce the risk of injury.

If you are experiencing shoulder pain when benching, there are treatment options available such as rest, ice therapy, physical therapy, or chiropractic care. Chiropractic care has been shown to be effective in treating shoulder injuries through spinal adjustments and other techniques.

If you’re struggling with shoulder pain when benching or any other type of discomfort related to exercise or daily activities, consider seeking professional help from White Bison Well-Being. Our team of experienced professionals offers personalized care tailored to your unique needs. Contact us today for more information on how we can help alleviate your symptoms! 385-308-1047