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From the desk of Dr. Travis Arrington

Chiropractic and Counseling: Enhancing Family Wellness

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Chiropractic and counselling are two distinct yet intertwined ways of maintaining mental and physical health. In this blog post, we will delve into the world of chiropractic care and family therapy, a mind body approach to bottom up healing in an effective way.

We’ll explore the numerous benefits associated with spinal manipulative therapy and how it can alleviate various types of pain such as back pain, neck pain, chest pain, and more.

Moving forward in our discussion about chiropractic and counseling, we will examine how counseling plays an essential role in addressing mental health concerns alongside physical ailments. We’ll also highlight some advantages gained by combining these two evidence-based practices for a holistic approach to healing.

Finally, you will learn who can benefit from this integrated method of care—families with kids or individuals experiencing chronic conditions—and why it is increasingly being recognized as an effective primary care option supported by clinical research.

Table of Contents:

What is Chiropractic Care?

Chiropractic care is a form of alternative manual therapy that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal disorders, particularly those related to the spine. It involves manual adjustments to correct misalignments in the spinal column, which can help alleviate pain and improve overall health. In this section, we will discuss what chiropractic care entails and how it differs from traditional medical treatments.

The Philosophy Behind Chiropractic Care

The basic principle of chiropractic care is the notion that having a correctly aligned spine allows for an efficient nervous system. The nervous system plays a crucial role in controlling various bodily functions; therefore, any interference or disruption caused by spinal misalignments (also known as subluxations) can lead to various health issues. By correcting these subluxations through manual adjustments, chiropractors aim to restore normal nerve function and promote natural healing within the body.

Techniques Used in Chiropractic Treatments

A variety of techniques are used by chiropractors during their treatments depending on individual needs. Some common methods include:

  • Torque Release Technique: This technique involves low force instrument adjusting and is very specific at correcting the cause of spinal problems.
  • Diversified Technique: This technique involves high-velocity thrusts applied with hands-on pressure to specific vertebrae or joints.
  • Gonstead Adjustment: A precise method using detailed analysis tools such as X-rays or palpation before delivering targeted adjustments.
  • Mobilization Techniques: These involve gentle stretching movements designed to increase range-of-motion within joints without causing discomfort.
  • Flexion-Distraction Therapy: This non-force technique uses a specialized table to gently stretch the spine, helping to relieve pressure on spinal nerves.

Chiropractic Care vs. Traditional Medical Treatments

One of the main differences between chiropractic care and traditional medical treatments is their approach towards addressing health issues. While conventional medicine often relies on prescription medications or invasive procedures such as surgery, chiropractors focus on identifying and correcting underlying causes of pain through manual adjustments. This holistic approach emphasizes the body’s innate ability to heal itself when properly aligned.

In addition, chiropractic care typically involves ongoing maintenance visits aimed at preventing future problems rather than simply treating existing symptoms. By promoting overall wellness through proper spinal alignment and lifestyle modifications, patients can experience long-term benefits beyond immediate pain relief.

Evidence-Based Chiropractic Care

Research has shown that chiropractic care can be an effective treatment option for various conditions such as low back pain, neck pain, headaches, and even certain types of joint-related disorders. However, it is essential for patients to seek out qualified doctors who utilize evidence-based techniques in their practice.

Chiropractic care is a holistic approach to health and wellness that focuses on the relationship between the spine, nervous system, and overall body functioning. Let us explore the potential advantages that chiropractic treatment may provide to households with kids.

Key Takeaway:

Chiropractic care is a form of alternative medicine that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal disorders, particularly those related to the spine. By correcting spinal misalignments through manual adjustments, chiropractors aim to restore normal nerve function and promote natural healing within the body. Chiropractic care differs from traditional medical treatments by emphasizing the body’s innate ability to heal itself when properly aligned rather than relying on prescription medications or invasive procedures such as surgery.

Benefits of Chiropractic Care

By providing care for the musculoskeletal system, chiropractic offers a variety of benefits to improve health and well-being. By focusing on the musculoskeletal system, chiropractors can help alleviate pain, enhance mobility, and promote a better quality of life. Some key advantages include:

  • Pain Reduction: One of the primary reasons people seek chiropractic treatment is to address chronic or acute pain caused by various conditions such as back pain, neck pain, headaches, or sciatica. Through spinal adjustments and other manual therapies, chiropractors can help realign the spine and reduce inflammation in affected areas. This results in decreased discomfort and improved functionality.
  • Improved Mobility & Range of Motion: Misalignments within the spine may restrict movement in joints throughout the body. Chiropractic adjustments work to correct these misalignments which often leads to increased flexibility and range of motion.
  • Better Posture: Poor posture can lead to long-term issues with spinal alignment that contribute to chronic pain or discomfort. Regular chiropractic care helps maintain proper spinal alignment which promotes good posture over time.

In addition to these physical benefits, there are also several mental health advantages associated with regular chiropractic care:

  • Stress Relief: The connection between physical tension within our bodies (particularly around our spines) has been linked directly with emotional stress levels we experience daily (source). Chiropractic adjustments can potentially aid in decreasing bodily strain, which may result in a decrease of stress and an augmented feeling of contentment.
  • Improved Sleep: Chronic pain or discomfort can significantly impact the quality of sleep we receive. By addressing these issues through chiropractic care, patients often report improved sleep patterns and increased energy levels throughout the day (source).

Families with children may also find that chiropractic care provides unique benefits for their young ones. For example, regular adjustments have been shown to improve posture in growing kids, as well as reduce the risk of injury during sports or other physical activities (source). Additionally, some studies suggest that chiropractic care may even be helpful in managing symptoms associated with conditions such as ADHD and asthma (source).

Chiropractic care offers a wealth of advantages, enabling families with kids to sustain their health in an organic and secure manner. Moving on, we will now discuss how counseling can further improve the overall wellbeing of your family.

Key Takeaway:

Chiropractic care offers various benefits such as pain reduction, improved mobility and range of motion, better posture, stress relief, and improved sleep. Regular chiropractic adjustments can help maintain proper spinal alignment which promotes good posture over time. Families with children may also find that chiropractic care provides unique benefits for their young ones including reducing the risk of injury during sports or other physical activities.

How Does Counseling Help?

Counseling is a valuable tool that can help individuals and families navigate various challenges in life, including physical pain, emotional distress, and other health-related issues. It offers an opportunity for people to explore their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in a safe and supportive environment with the guidance of a trained professional.

There are several ways counseling can contribute to overall well-being:

  • Emotional support: A counselor provides empathetic listening and understanding during difficult times. This helps individuals feel heard and validated as they work through their struggles (source).
  • Coping strategies: Counselors teach clients effective techniques for managing stress, anxiety, depression, or chronic pain. These skills empower them to take control of their lives (source).
  • Solution-focused approaches: Counseling sessions often involve setting goals related to personal growth or symptom management. The counselor assists clients in identifying steps needed to achieve these objectives (source).
  • Educational resources: Counselors may provide information about relevant topics such as self-care practices or community-based services that could enhance one’s quality of life (source).

In addition to addressing mental health concerns like anxiety or depression, counseling can also be beneficial for those dealing with chronic pain or other medical conditions. Research has shown that psychological interventions, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), can help individuals better manage their symptoms and improve overall functioning (source). For pediatric patients and their families, specialized counseling services can provide invaluable assistance in navigating the difficulties of a chronic illness.

For example, counseling services tailored to pediatric patients and their families can provide valuable support during difficult times. These specialized therapists understand the unique needs of children and adolescents facing health-related issues, offering age-appropriate strategies for coping and fostering resilience (source).

Counseling can be a vital tool in enhancing psychological health and general well-being, providing emotional assistance, instructing successful strategies for managing difficulties, stimulating personal growth, and connecting people with applicable resources.

Counseling can be a beneficial tool for families with children to identify and tackle any underlying psychological or emotional elements that could be adding to their physical unease. Combining chiropractic care with counseling can facilitate a more comprehensive alleviation of physical discomfort for individuals of all ages.

Key Takeaway:

Counseling is a valuable tool for individuals and families to navigate various challenges in life, offering emotional support, coping strategies, solution-focused approaches, and educational resources. It can also be beneficial for those dealing with chronic pain or other medical conditions by providing psychological interventions that help manage symptoms and improve overall functioning. Specialized counseling services tailored to pediatric patients and their families offer age-appropriate strategies for coping and fostering resilience during difficult times.

What are the Benefits of Combining Chiropractic Care and Counseling?

Combining chiropractic care and counseling can provide a comprehensive approach to managing physical pain and emotional distress. This combination can help individuals better understand their bodies, learn how to manage their symptoms, and develop healthier habits for long-term health benefits.

A Holistic Approach

Treating both the body and mind is essential in achieving optimal well-being. By incorporating chiropractic care with counseling services, patients receive a holistic approach that addresses not only their physical concerns but also any underlying emotional or psychological factors contributing to their overall health issues.

Better Pain Management

Pain management is often more effective when combining chiropractic adjustments with counseling sessions. While chiropractors work on alleviating pain through spinal manipulation, counselors assist patients in understanding the root causes of chronic pain conditions like fibromyalgia or arthritis. Together, they create an individualized plan that targets both physical discomforts as well as mental stressors associated with these conditions.

Faster Recovery Time

  • Mental Health Support: Dealing with chronic pain or recovering from an injury can be mentally challenging; having access to professional support during this time helps improve one’s mindset towards recovery.
  • Educational Resources: Both practitioners will offer resources such as exercises or techniques for managing stress levels effectively at home between appointments - leading to faster healing times overall.
  • Lifestyle Changes: Counselors may suggest lifestyle changes that complement chiropractic treatments (e.g., improving sleep quality) which contribute positively towards quicker recovery periods.

Long-term Health Benefits

The combination of chiropractic care and counseling promotes long-lasting health benefits. For example, a study found that patients who received both treatments reported significant improvements in their quality of life, reduced pain levels, and increased functional capacity compared to those receiving only one form of treatment. This integrated approach ensures individuals develop healthier habits for maintaining overall well-being even after completing their treatment sessions.

Better Communication Between Practitioners

When chiropractors and counselors collaborate on patient care, they can share insights about the individual’s progress more effectively. This open communication allows them to adjust treatments as needed based on the patient’s unique needs - ultimately leading to better outcomes for the person seeking help from White Bison Well-Being services.

Combining chiropractic care and counseling can yield multiple advantages, including enhanced physical fitness, psychological well-being, and general lifestyle. Who can benefit from this combination? Let’s explore the next heading to find out.

Key Takeaway:

Combining chiropractic care and counseling can provide a holistic approach to managing physical pain and emotional distress, leading to better pain management, faster recovery time, long-term health benefits, and improved communication between practitioners. Patients receive individualized plans that target both physical discomforts as well as mental stressors associated with chronic conditions like fibromyalgia or arthritis.

Who Can Benefit from Chiropractic Care & Counseling?

Families with children who suffer from chronic pain or other medical conditions may benefit from combining chiropractic care and counseling services. Additionally, adults who experience frequent back or neck pain may find relief through this combination of treatments as well.

Families with Children

Children can sometimes experience musculoskeletal issues due to their rapid growth and development, leading to discomfort and even chronic pain in some cases. Scoliosis, a widespread spinal condition affecting kids across the globe, is an oft-encountered issue. By seeking chiropractic care early on, families can help address these issues before they become more severe.

  • Pediatric chiropractors: These specialized practitioners have additional training in treating the unique needs of children’s growing bodies.
  • Counseling support: Counselors can provide emotional support for both the child and their family members as they navigate through the challenges associated with managing chronic pain or other health conditions.

Adults Experiencing Back or Neck Pain

Many adults suffer from ongoing back or neck pain caused by various factors such as poor posture, sedentary lifestyles, injuries, or degenerative disc disease (DDD). Combining chiropractic care with counseling offers several benefits:

  • Pain management techniques: Chiropractors use manual adjustments to realign the spine and alleviate pressure on nerves, while counselors can teach coping strategies for dealing with chronic pain.
  • Improved mental health: Counseling services can help individuals address any emotional issues that may be contributing to their physical discomfort, such as stress or anxiety.
  • Lifestyle changes: Both chiropractors and counselors can provide guidance on making healthier choices in daily life, like incorporating regular exercise and maintaining proper posture at work.

Athletes & Active Individuals

Athletes and those who lead active lifestyles often put significant strain on their bodies, increasing the risk of injury or musculoskeletal imbalances. Chiropractic care combined with counseling offers a comprehensive approach to recovery and prevention:

  • Injury treatment & prevention: Chiropractic adjustments can help athletes recover from injuries more quickly while also reducing the likelihood of future issues by addressing underlying biomechanical problems.
  • Mental resilience: Counseling sessions focused on sports psychology techniques can improve an athlete’s ability to cope with setbacks, manage performance anxiety, and maintain motivation during training periods.

Chiropractic and psychological interventions can be combined to create a comprehensive approach for managing discomfort, improving overall healthiness, and furthering long-term gains in wellness.

Key Takeaway:

Combining chiropractic care and counseling can benefit families with children who suffer from chronic pain or other medical conditions, as well as adults experiencing back or neck pain. Pediatric chiropractors and counselors can provide emotional support for children and their families while addressing physical discomfort. Athletes and active individuals can also benefit from a comprehensive approach to recovery and prevention through injury treatment, sports psychology techniques, improved mental resilience, lifestyle changes, and more.

Chiropractic and Counseling: A Holistic Approach to Well-Being

At White Bison Well-Being, we believe in taking a holistic approach to health and wellness. That’s why we offer both chiropractic care and counseling services to our patients.

Chiropractic care involves spinal manipulative therapy, which is a non-invasive treatment that can help with a variety of musculoskeletal conditions, including back pain, neck pain, and lower back pain. Our chiropractors are trained to provide spinal manipulation and other physical therapy techniques to help reduce pain and improve spine care.

But chiropractic care is just one part of our approach to well-being. We also offer counseling services to help our patients address any emotional or psychological issues that may be contributing to their physical symptoms. Our licensed counselors use evidence-based practice to help patients with chronic conditions, such as depression and anxiety, as well as those experiencing chest pain or other physical symptoms related to stress.

By combining chiropractic care and counseling, we can provide our patients with a comprehensive approach to health and wellness. Our goal is to help our patients achieve optimal health and well-being, both physically and emotionally.

Exercise Therapy for Musculoskeletal Pain

In addition to chiropractic care and counseling, we also offer exercise therapy to help our patients reduce pain and improve their musculoskeletal system. Exercise therapy can be an effective treatment for a variety of conditions, including low back pain and other musculoskeletal pain.

Our chiropractors and physical therapists work together to develop individualized exercise programs for each patient, based on their specific needs and goals. By incorporating exercise therapy into their treatment plan, our patients can improve their overall health and well-being.

If you’re looking for an alternative to standard medical care for your musculoskeletal pain, consider chiropractic care and counseling at White Bison Well-Being. Our approach is based on clinical research and evidence-based practice, so you can be confident that you’re receiving the best possible care.

  • Chiropractic Care
  • Counseling Services
  • Exercise Therapy

Contact us today to schedule an appointment and start your journey to optimal health and well-being.


Chiropractic care and counseling are two powerful tools that can help families improve their physical and mental well-being. Chiropractic care involves the use of spinal adjustments to relieve pain, while counseling helps individuals cope with emotional issues.

Combining chiropractic treatment and counseling can bring families a variety of advantages, such as less stress, better sleep quality, more effective communication abilities and improved general health. This integrative strategy addresses the physical and psychological requirements of individuals.

If you suffer from back pain, neck pain, or other musculoskeletal pain, chiropractic care can help. Spinal manipulation can reduce pain and improve spine care. Exercise therapy and physical therapy are also available to help with chronic conditions.

Clinical research has shown that chiropractic care can be just as effective as standard medical care for musculoskeletal pain. Evidence-based practice is used to ensure that patients receive the best possible care.

If you’re interested in exploring how chiropractic care and counseling can benefit your well-being, contact White Bison Well-Being today to schedule an appointment. Our primary care physicians are here to help you with any health concerns you may have, including chest pain and lower back pain.