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From the desk of Dr. Travis Arrington

Understanding Shoulder Pain and Popping When Lifting Arm

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Shoulder pain and popping when lifting arm can be a concerning symptom for many individuals, especially those with active lifestyles or families with kids involved in sports. This phenomenon may indicate an underlying issue within the complex shoulder joint that requires proper attention and care. In this blog post, we will delve into the various causes of shoulder pain and popping when lifting your arm, as well as how to accurately diagnose these issues.

Furthermore, we will discuss treatment options available to alleviate discomfort and restore functionality in your shoulder. Additionally, preventative measures to avoid future occurrences of painful clicking and snapping sensations while performing daily activities or participating in sports will be covered. Lastly, we will explore the benefits of chiropractic care for managing shoulder pain and popping when lifting arm.

Table of Contents:

Causes of Shoulder Pain and Popping When Lifting Arm

Understanding the common causes behind this issue is essential to seek appropriate treatment and prevent further complications.

Rotator Cuff Tears

Rotator cuff tears are one of the most frequent reasons for shoulder pain and popping noises when lifting an arm. The rotator cuff consists of four muscles that surround the shoulder joint, providing stability and allowing movement in various directions. Overuse, repetitive stress, or trauma can lead to partial or complete tears in these muscles, causing painful clicking sensations during certain movements.


Bursitis occurs when inflammation affects the bursae - small fluid-filled sacs that cushion joints like the shoulder (glenohumeral joint). This condition often results from overuse or injury to surrounding structures such as tendons or ligaments leading to swelling, numbness, pain, and sometimes a popping noise while moving your upper arm.

Impingement Syndrome

In impingement syndrome, also known as swimmer’s shoulder or thrower’s shoulder - excessive pressure on soft tissues between bones within the glenohumeral joint can lead to painful popping sensations when lifting the arm. This condition is often seen in athletes who perform repetitive overhead movements, such as swimmers or baseball pitchers.

Labral Tears

The labrum is a ring of cartilage that surrounds the shoulder socket (glenoid), providing stability and cushioning for the humerus (upper arm bone). Labral tears can result from trauma, dislocation, or degeneration over time, causing pain and clicking sounds during certain shoulder movements.

Other Causes

Additional causes of shoulder pain and popping when lifting an arm include biceps tendon instability, scapulothoracic bursitis, AC joint arthritis or separation, unhealed fractures around the shoulder blade area (scapular fractures), and other less common conditions affecting muscles surrounding the glenohumeral joint.

It is important to understand the causes of shoulder pain and popping when lifting arm in order to properly diagnose it. The next heading discusses how a chiropractor can help with diagnosing this condition.

Key Takeaway:

Shoulder pain and popping when lifting an arm can be caused by various conditions such as rotator cuff tears, bursitis, impingement syndrome, labral tears, and other less common conditions. These issues often result from overuse or injury to the shoulder joint due to repetitive movements or trauma. Seeking appropriate treatment is crucial to prevent further complications.

Diagnosis of Shoulder Pain and Popping When Lifting Arm

If you’re experiencing shoulder pain and popping when lifting your arm, it’s essential to get an accurate diagnosis from a healthcare professional. The diagnostic process typically involves several steps, including a physical examination, imaging tests such as X-rays or MRI scans, and sometimes arthroscopy.

Physical Examination

A thorough physical examination is the first step in diagnosing shoulder pain and popping when lifting an arm. Your doctor will assess your shoulder anatomy, muscle strength, range of motion, joint stability, and any signs of inflammation or swelling to identify the cause behind the painful clicking or snapping sensation when lifting an arm. They may also ask about your medical history and perform specific tests to determine if certain movements trigger the painful clicking or snapping sensation.

Imaging Tests

  • X-rays: X-rays can help identify bone abnormalities such as fractures or arthritis that might be causing shoulder pain while lifting weights or performing other activities involving upper-arm movement.
  • MRI Scans: MRI scans provide detailed images of soft tissues like rotator cuff muscles, biceps tendon instability issues (which can cause painful popping), labral tears within the glenohumeral joint itself (leading to discomfort during repetitive stress on the AC joint).
  • Ultrasound: An ultrasound may be used by sports medicine professionals for real-time visualization of tendons surrounding joints - this allows them not only diagnose potential injuries but monitor progress throughout treatment plans too.


In some cases, a doctor may recommend arthroscopy to get a closer look at the shoulder joint and identify any unhealed fractures or other issues that might be causing the painful popping sensation when lifting your arm. This minimally invasive procedure involves inserting a small camera into the joint through tiny incisions, allowing for direct visualization of structures within.

Once an accurate diagnosis has been made, your healthcare provider will work with you to develop an appropriate treatment plan based on factors such as age, overall health status (including any underlying conditions), activity level/preferences - all while taking into account personal goals like returning back sports participation after injury recovery.

Once the diagnosis of shoulder pain and popping when lifting arm has been established, it is important to determine an appropriate treatment plan. Subsequently, we will consider a range of remedies for this affliction that may assist in reducing discomfort and augmenting general wellbeing.

Key Takeaway:

To diagnose shoulder pain and popping when lifting an arm, a physical examination is the first step followed by imaging tests such as X-rays or MRI scans. In some cases, arthroscopy may be recommended to identify any unhealed fractures or other issues causing the painful sensation.

Treatment for Shoulder Pain and Popping When Lifting Arm

Treatment for shoulder pain and popping when lifting an arm may vary depending on the underlying cause, severity of the condition, and individual factors such as age and overall health. The primary goal is to reduce pain, improve function, and prevent further injury.


The first step in treating shoulder pain is often rest. It’s essential to avoid activities that worsen your symptoms or put excessive strain on the glenohumeral joint. This may include taking a break from sports or heavy lifting until your symptoms subside.

Physical Therapy

Physical therapy plays a crucial role in recovering from shoulder injuries by improving flexibility, strengthening muscles around the joint (such as rotator cuff muscles), restoring range of motion, and reducing swelling through manual techniques like massage or ultrasound therapy. A physical therapist can develop a tailored approach based on an individual’s specific requirements.

Chiropractic Adjustments

Chiropractic care can help alleviate shoulder pain and popping when lifting the arm by aligning and setting the shoulder joint into proper position. To further mitigate the possibility of shoulder pain and popping when lifting the arm, it is essential to identify preventive measures.

Key Takeaway:

To treat shoulder pain and popping when lifting an arm, rest is often the first step. Chiropractic can help improve flexibility and strengthen muscles around the joint and align the joint for optimal function. In some instances, surgery may be necessary to repair damaged tissues within the shoulder joint.

Prevention of Shoulder Pain and Popping When Lifting Arm

Preventing shoulder pain and popping when lifting an arm can be achieved by avoiding activities that put excessive strain on the glenohumeral joint, such as overhead reaching or throwing motions. Implementing proper techniques, maintaining good posture, and performing regular strengthening exercises for your shoulder muscles can also help prevent these issues.

Avoid Repetitive Stress on the Shoulder Joint

One way to prevent shoulder pain and popping is to avoid repetitive stress on the joint. This includes limiting activities like heavy lifting weights or participating in sports that require constant overhead movements, such as swimming or tennis. If you must engage in these activities, ensure you take breaks frequently to give your shoulders a chance to rest.

Maintain Proper Posture

Maintaining proper posture is essential for preventing shoulder injuries. Slouching forward puts extra pressure on your rotator cuff muscles and biceps tendon, which may lead to painful clicking or snapping sensations when raising your arm above shoulder height. To maintain good posture while sitting at a desk or standing up straight:

  • Keep your back straight with shoulders pulled back slightly.
  • Tuck in your chin so it’s parallel with the floor.
  • Slightly bend knees if standing for long periods of time.
  • Avoid crossing legs while seated; instead keep feet flat on the ground.

Incorporate Strengthening Exercises into Your Routine

Performing regular strengthening exercises for your shoulder muscles can help prevent pain and popping when lifting an arm. Targeting the rotator cuff, deltoids, trapezius and other muscles in the vicinity of the shoulder blade with specific exercises is suggested to help avoid any pain or popping when lifting an arm. Examples of these exercises include:

  • External rotation with a resistance band.
  • Lateral raises using dumbbells or resistance bands.
  • Pull-ups or assisted pull-ups to engage upper back muscles.

Seek Professional Guidance from a Chiropractor

For proper form and posture, it is recommended to seek advice from a chiropractor trained in extremity care. They can provide personalized guidance based on your specific needs and help ensure you’re taking appropriate steps to prevent future injuries.

Note: Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new exercise program, especially if you have pre-existing conditions or are recovering from an injury.

By practicing correct posture and body mechanics, shoulder pain and popping when lifting arm can be prevented. Chiropractic care offers many benefits to families with kids who suffer from shoulder pain and popping when lifting arm; let’s explore these further in the next heading.

Key Takeaway:

To prevent shoulder pain and popping when lifting an arm, it is important to avoid activities that put excessive strain on the joint, maintain proper posture, and perform regular strengthening exercises for your shoulder muscles. This can be achieved by limiting repetitive stress on the joint, seeking professional guidance from a physical therapist if needed, and incorporating specific exercises into your routine such as external rotation with a resistance band or lateral raises using dumbbells or resistance bands.

Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Shoulder Pain and Popping When Lifting Arm

If you or your child is experiencing shoulder pain and popping when lifting an arm, chiropractic care can provide numerous benefits in addressing this issue. By focusing on the root cause of the problem, a skilled chiropractor can help improve joint mobility, reduce inflammation, restore range of motion, strengthen muscles around the joint, improve posture, and provide overall relief from discomfort.

Improving Joint Mobility

A key component to resolving shoulder pain and popping is improving joint mobility within the glenohumeral joint. This flexible joint connects your upper arm bone (humerus) to your shoulder blade (scapula). A chiropractor will use various techniques such as adjustments or mobilizations to increase movement in this area while reducing any restrictions that may be contributing to painful clicking or snapping sensations.

Reducing Inflammation & Restoring Range of Motion

Inflammation often accompanies conditions like rotator cuff injuries or bursitis. Chiropractors are trained in adjusting the shoulder joint which helps decrease inflammation levels while promoting healing within affected tissues. Additionally, restoring full range of motion through targeted stretching exercises will further alleviate symptoms associated with these types of injuries.

Strengthening Muscles Around The Joint & Improving Posture

  • Muscle strength: Weakness in surrounding muscles like those comprising the rotator cuff can contribute significantly towards instability issues leading up to painful popping noises during movements involving lifting arms overhead. Your chiropractor will recommend strengthening exercises tailored specifically to your needs, which will help support the shoulder joint and prevent further injury.
  • Posture: Poor posture can place undue stress on the shoulder joint, exacerbating existing problems. Chiropractic care aims to improve overall spinal alignment and posture through a combination of adjustments, exercises, and ergonomic recommendations.

Providing Overall Relief from Discomfort

In addition to addressing specific causes of shoulder pain and popping when lifting an arm, chiropractic care also focuses on providing holistic relief from discomfort. This may include advice on lifestyle modifications such as avoiding repetitive stress or sports injuries that could worsen symptoms over time. Regular visits with a qualified chiropractor can lead to long-term improvements in both pain levels and functional abilities for those suffering from this common issue.

Key Takeaway:

Chiropractic care can help with shoulder pain and popping when lifting an arm by improving joint mobility, reducing inflammation, restoring range of motion, strengthening muscles around the joint, improving posture and providing overall relief from discomfort. Chiropractors also recommend tailored exercises to strengthen surrounding muscles like those comprising the rotator cuff which contribute significantly towards instability issues leading up to painful popping noises during movements involving lifting arms overhead.

Why Does My Shoulder Hurt and Pop When I Lift My Arm?

If you experience pain and popping in your shoulder when lifting your arm, it could be due to various reasons such as rotator cuff injuries, tendinitis, bursitis, or labral tears. These conditions may result from overuse, trauma, or degeneration of the shoulder joint.

What Does It Mean When Your Shoulder Pops and Hurts?

A painful popping sensation in the shoulder often indicates an underlying issue with the soft tissues around the joint. This can include inflammation (tendinitis), fluid-filled sac irritation (bursitis), muscle/tendon strain or tear (rotator cuff injury), or cartilage damage (labral tear). Visit OrthoInfo for further details.

How Do I Get My Shoulder to Stop Popping and Hurting?

To alleviate pain and prevent further damage to your shoulder joint, follow these steps: rest your affected arm, apply ice packs regularly, take over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medications, perform gentle range-of-motion exercises, and consider physical therapy sessions if needed. Consult a healthcare professional like a chiropractor for personalized advice.

What Are Two Warning Signs of a Rotator Cuff Tear?

Two common warning signs of a rotator cuff tear are persistent pain that worsens during the night or when lifting your arm, and weakness in the shoulder joint that limits daily activities. If you suspect a rotator cuff tear, seek medical attention for proper diagnosis and treatment. Mayo Clinic offers more information on symptoms and causes.


Shoulder ache and crepitus when elevating the arm may be attributed to a range of causes, from rotator cuff afflictions, bursitis, tendinopathy or arthritic conditions. It is essential to get an accurate diagnosis to determine the best course of treatment.

Treatment options for shoulder pain and popping when lifting arm may include physical therapy, medication, rest, or surgery. However, chiropractic care can also provide significant benefits in reducing pain and restoring mobility.

If you’re experiencing shoulder pain and popping when lifting arm, don’t wait to seek help. Visit White Bison Wellbeing today to learn more about our services and how we can help you find relief from your symptoms.