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From the desk of Dr. Travis Arrington

Headache Behind Eyes Relief: Tips for Families

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Experiencing headache behind eyes relief can be a game-changer for those who suffer from painful headaches. In this blog post, we will explore various techniques and approaches to reduce the discomfort of tension headaches, cluster headaches, and other types of headache pain.

In order to effectively address your headache behind eyes relief, it is crucial to first identify the cause of your headache. We’ll go over frequent causes and indications so you can comprehend what might be the source of your discomfort.

Subsequent, we’ll investigate relaxation strategies that have been verified to reduce strain in the head and neck muscles. Additionally, we’ll provide guidance on how to use cold or heat therapy as an effective means of managing moderate to severe headache pain.

Finally, we’ll share tips on massaging your temples for instant relief as well as the importance of staying hydrated in preventing headaches from occurring in the first place. By implementing these strategies and remedies at home or work, you’re one step closer towards achieving lasting headache behind eyes relief.

Table of Contents:

Identify the Cause of Your Headache Behind the Eyes

Before attempting to find relief for your headache behind the eyes, it’s essential to understand what might be causing it. There are several possible reasons, and identifying the cause can help you choose an appropriate at-home remedy or decide if professional help is needed.

Possible Causes of Headaches Behind the Eyes

  • Tension headaches: These common headaches often result from stress or muscle tension in the neck and shoulders. They can manifest as a dull ache around your head, including pain behind your eyes (Mayo Clinic).
  • Migraines: Migraines are more severe than tension headaches and typically affect one side of your head. Pain behind your eyes may accompany other symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light (Healthline).
  • Sinus infections: Inflammation in your sinuses can lead to pressure buildup that causes pain behind your eyes (WebMD). Sinus-related eye pain usually worsens when bending over or lying down.
  • Eyestrain: Staring at screens for extended periods without breaks can strain muscles around your eyes leading to discomfort and headaches (American Academy of Ophthalmology).
  • Cluster headaches: These rare, severe headaches occur in clusters and can cause intense pain behind one eye (Mayo Clinic). Cluster headaches may persist for some time, with episodes of intense pain behind one eye occurring in cycles over a period.

Record any potential causes of your headache in a journal, such as tension, sleep deprivation, dehydration or food items. This information can be helpful when discussing your symptoms with a healthcare professional like a chiropractor from White Bison Well-Being.

Determining When to Seek Professional Help

In some cases, it’s essential to seek medical attention for headaches behind the eyes. Reach out to a healthcare professional if you experience any of the following situations:

  • Your headache is sudden and severe.
  • You have difficulty seeing or speaking.
  • The frequency or intensity of your headaches increases over time.
  • Your headache is accompanied by fever or stiff neck.
  • Pain relievers don’t provide relief after trying them consistently for several days.

Once you’ve identified the possible cause(s) of your headache behind the eyes, proceed with exploring various DIY at-home solutions that may help alleviate discomfort. In subsequent sections, we’ll discuss relaxation techniques, cold/heat therapy, temple massages, and hydration tips tailored specifically towards families with kids.

Identifying the cause of your headache behind the eyes is key to finding an effective solution. Relaxation techniques can be a great way to reduce stress and help alleviate these types of headaches.

Key Takeaway:

Identifying the cause of a headache behind the eyes is crucial before attempting to find relief. Possible causes include tension headaches, migraines, sinus infections, eyestrain and cluster headaches. Seek medical attention if your headache is sudden and severe or accompanied by fever or stiff neck.

Try Relaxation Techniques

Relaxation techniques can be an effective way to reduce tension and relieve headaches behind the eyes. These methods help you manage stress, which is often a major contributor to headache pain. Incorporating relaxation practices into your lifestyle may lead to fewer tension headaches and improved overall health.

Deep Breathing Exercises

Deep breathing exercises are simple yet powerful tools for relieving headache triggers caused by stress and anxiety. To practice deep breathing, find a quiet place where you can sit or lie down comfortably. Inhale deeply through your nose while focusing on filling your lungs completely with air, then exhale slowly out of your mouth until all the breath has been released. Exhale slowly through your mouth until all the air has been released from your lungs. Repeat this process for several minutes until you feel more relaxed.


Yoga, an ancient practice that combines physical postures with mindfulness and controlled breathing, has been shown to alleviate tension headaches effectively. Yoga helps release muscle tightness in the neck, shoulders, and upper back - areas commonly associated with headache pain due to poor posture or eye strain from prolonged screen time at work or home.

Some beginner-friendly yoga poses that specifically target these muscles include:

  • Cat-Cow Stretch (Marjaryasana-Bitilasana)
  • Child’s Pose (Balasana)
  • Eagle Arms (Garudasana arms variation)
  • Ragdoll Pose (Uttanasana variation)

You can find examples of these poses on Youtube.


Meditation is another effective relaxation technique for managing headache pain. By focusing your attention on a single point, such as your breath or a mantra, you can quiet the mind and reduce stress levels that contribute to tension headaches.

To practice meditation:

  1. Find a comfortable seated position in a quiet space.
  2. Inhale and exhale slowly with eyes closed, letting your mind drift.
  3. Select an object of focus (e.g., your breath or a mantra).
  4. If thoughts arise, gently redirect your attention back to the chosen focal point.

Incorporating these relaxation techniques into your daily routine may help prevent headaches behind the eyes by reducing stress and promoting overall well-being. Remember that consistency is key; make time each day to practice one or more of these methods for optimal results. If you continue experiencing painful headaches despite trying these techniques, consider consulting with a chiropractor who specializes in treating migraine attacks and other severe headache symptoms.

Relaxation techniques can be a great way to help relieve tension and reduce headaches behind the eyes. Exploring the use of cold or heat therapy may be a beneficial supplementary measure to reduce your headache and ease tension.

Key Takeaway:

Relaxation techniques such as deep breathing exercises, yoga and meditation can help manage stress and reduce tension headaches behind the eyes. Incorporating these methods into your daily routine may improve overall well-being and prevent future headaches. If pain persists, consider consulting with a chiropractor who specializes in treating severe headache symptoms.

Use Cold or Heat Therapy

When it comes to finding relief from headaches behind the eyes, cold and heat therapy can be highly effective. These therapies work by reducing inflammation and relaxing tense muscles in the forehead area, ultimately providing relief from pain.

Cold Therapy

Cold therapy is a popular choice for headache relief because it helps constrict blood vessels and reduce inflammation. It should not be used for chronic headaches or pain as it will prolong symptoms and prevent healing. To try this method at home, follow these simple steps:

  1. Wrap an ice pack or a bag of frozen peas in a thin towel to avoid direct contact with your skin.
  2. Place the wrapped ice pack on your forehead for about 15 minutes.
  3. Take a break for at least another 15 minutes before reapplying if necessary.

You can also use a gel eye mask that has been stored in the refrigerator as an alternative option. Ensure you do not apply anything excessively frigid to your epidermis, as this could potentially bring about harm or inflammation.

Heat Therapy

If you find that cold therapy isn’t working for you, consider trying heat therapy instead. Heat can help relax tight muscles around your temples and provide soothing comfort when dealing with headaches behind the eyes. Here’s how to give it a go:

  1. Fill up a hot water bottle with warm water (not boiling) or use a microwaveable heating pad according to its instructions - make sure it’s not too hot.
  2. Tightly wrap either one of them into a soft cloth like a hand towel.
  3. Gently place the wrapped heating pad or hot water bottle on your forehead for about 15 minutes.
  4. Take a break and reapply if necessary, but be cautious not to overheat the area.

Try utilizing a towel drenched in warm water and afterwards wring it out before applying it to your forehead. You can also use a heated eye mask designed specifically for headache relief as an alternative option.

Incorporating cold or heat therapy into your routine may provide much-needed relief from headaches behind the eyes. Remember that each individual’s experience with these therapies may differ - one person may find a method more effective than another. It’s essential to listen to your body and find the method that best suits you.

Cold or heat therapy can be an effective way to reduce the intensity of headaches behind your eyes, however it is important to use caution when applying either type of treatment. Massaging your temples may provide additional relief from tension-type headaches caused by stress and muscle tightness.

Key Takeaway:

To relieve headaches behind the eyes, cold and heat therapy can be effective in reducing inflammation and relaxing tense muscles. Cold therapy helps constrict blood vessels while heat therapy relaxes tight muscles around the temples. It’s important to find the method that works best for you and listen to your body’s response.

Massage Your Temples

One of the most effective DIY home solutions for headaches behind the eyes is gently massaging your temples. This simple technique can help relax tense muscles and provide relief from discomfort. Massaging your temples increases blood flow to the area, which in turn helps reduce inflammation and alleviate pain.

To perform a temple massage, follow these steps:

  1. Sit or lie down in a comfortable position with your head supported.
  2. Shut your eyes and inhale deeply a few times to unwind.
  3. Using your index and middle fingers, apply gentle pressure on both temples simultaneously.
  4. Move your fingers in small circular motions while maintaining constant pressure on each temple for about one minute.
  5. If desired, slowly move up towards the forehead or down towards the jawline for additional relief along other areas of tension around the face and head.

You may also want to try incorporating essential oils into this practice by using them as part of an aromatherapy massage. Some popular choices include lavender oil (known for its calming properties) or peppermint oil (which has been shown to be effective against tension headaches). To use essential oils during a temple massage:

  1. Dilute a few drops of essential oil with carrier oil (such as coconut or almond) before applying it directly onto skin - undiluted oils can cause irritation.
  2. Apply the diluted oil to your fingertips before starting the massage, or dab a small amount directly onto your temples.

To help reduce tension in the head and neck, try different kinds of massage such as kneading the muscles around your skull or spine. For example:

  • Neck massage: Gently knead the muscles at the base of your skull and along either side of your spine with your fingers or a handheld massager.
  • Jaw massage: Use circular motions to gently rub both sides of your jaw where it meets the skull - this can help alleviate pain caused by clenching or grinding teeth during times of stress.

Massaging your temples can be a great way to relieve headaches behind the eyes. Drinking plenty of water is another important step in relieving headache pain and should not be overlooked.

Key Takeaway:

To relieve headaches behind the eyes, massaging your temples can be an effective DIY solution. This technique relaxes tense muscles and increases blood flow to reduce inflammation and pain. Essential oils such as lavender or peppermint oil can also be used during a temple massage for additional relief.

Drink Plenty of Water

Staying hydrated is essential for relieving headaches behind the eyes, so make sure you drink plenty of water throughout the day. Dehydration can lead to headaches, impeding the body’s capacity to operate correctly and preserve optimal blood flow. In this part, we will explain why proper hydration is key to alleviating headaches behind the eyes and provide some advice on how to guarantee you are consuming enough H2O daily.

The Importance of Hydration for Headache Relief

When your body lacks sufficient fluids, it struggles to transport nutrients and oxygen effectively through your bloodstream. This can lead to an increase in muscle tension around your head and neck area - resulting in painful headaches behind the eyes. Additionally, dehydration may cause blood vessels within your brain to constrict or dilate irregularly, further exacerbating headache symptoms.

Research has shown that increasing fluid intake can significantly reduce headache frequency and intensity for those who suffer from migraines or tension-type headaches regularly.

Tips for Staying Hydrated Throughout the Day

  1. Maintain a consistent schedule: Aim to consume water at regular intervals throughout the day rather than waiting until you feel thirsty - which could indicate that you’re already dehydrated.
  2. Carry a reusable water bottle: Having a refillable bottle with you makes it easier to remember drinking water consistently while also being environmentally friendly.
  3. Add flavor without added sugar: If plain water doesn’t appeal much taste-wise, consider adding natural flavors like lemon slices or cucumber wedges to make it more enjoyable without adding extra calories.
  4. Monitor your urine color: A healthy, hydrated person’s urine should be a pale yellow color. If you notice that yours is darker than usual, this could be an indication that you need to drink more water.
  5. Eat hydrating foods: Incorporate fruits and vegetables with high water content into your diet, such as cucumbers, watermelon, oranges, and strawberries.

Additionally, consider the amount of caffeine and alcohol you’re consuming as these can both contribute to dehydration. Make sure you’re mindful of how much coffee or alcoholic beverages you consume daily and try replacing some of them with water or herbal tea instead.

To sum up, drinking plenty of water is not only vital for maintaining overall health but can also play a significant role in preventing headaches behind the eyes. By incorporating these hydration tips into your daily routine and being aware of potential triggers for dehydration (such as caffeine intake), you’ll be better equipped to manage headache symptoms effectively and enjoy improved well-being overall.

Key Takeaway:

To relieve headaches behind the eyes, it is important to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day. Dehydration can cause muscle tension and irregular blood vessel constriction or dilation in the brain, leading to painful headaches. Tips for staying hydrated include maintaining a consistent schedule, carrying a reusable water bottle, adding natural flavors without added sugar, monitoring urine color, and eating hydrating foods while being mindful of excessive caffeine or alcohol consumption.

FAQs in Relation to Headache Behind Eyes Relief

How to Relieve a Headache Behind Your Eye

If you’re experiencing a headache behind your eye, there are several things you can do to find relief. First, try relaxation techniques like deep breathing or meditation. Applying cold or heat therapy to the affected area, gently massaging your temples, and drinking plenty of water can also help. Identifying the cause of the headache can also help you find appropriate treatment.

What a Headache Behind Your Eye May Indicate

A headache behind the eyes may indicate various conditions such as tension headaches, migraines, sinus infections, or eyestrain. It’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and treatment if symptoms persist or worsen.

How to Get Rid of COVID-Related Headaches Behind Your Eyes

If you’re experiencing COVID-related headaches behind your eyes, rest is crucial. Additionally, over-the-counter pain relievers like acetaminophen can help alleviate discomfort. Always follow dosage instructions and consult with a healthcare professional if symptoms don’t improve within 72 hours. #source

Is Heat or Ice Better for Headache Relief Behind Eyes?

The choice between heat and ice depends on individual preference and underlying causes. Cold therapy works well for reducing inflammation in cases like sinusitis, while heat therapy helps relax muscles in tension headaches. Experimenting with both methods can determine which one provides more relief. #source


Headaches behind the eyes can be caused by a variety of factors such as tension, sinus issues, or eye strain. Identifying the cause and using relaxation techniques, cold or heat therapy, massaging your temples, and staying hydrated with plenty of water can help relieve the pain.

If you’re looking for more resources on headache relief or overall wellness tips, check out White Bison Wellbeing. They offer a range of services to help improve your physical and mental health, so you can feel your best every day.