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From the desk of Dr. Travis Arrington

How to Relieve Pelvic Pain During Pregnancy: Effective Tips

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Expecting mothers who are seeking to sustain their comfort and well-being must become knowledgeable on how to reduce pelvic pain during pregnancy. Pelvic pain can be a frequent source of distress for pregnant women, yet with the right approaches it is possible to ease this unease. In this blog post, we will delve into various methods that can help you manage and reduce your pelvic pain throughout your pregnancy.

We’ll begin by understanding the causes of pelvic pain during pregnancy, as knowing the root of the issue is crucial for effective management. Then, we’ll explore practical tips such as practicing good posture and exercising regularly to strengthen your pelvic area muscles. Furthermore, heat therapy techniques will be discussed as a means of providing relief from lower back and groin pain.

Lastly, seeking professional help from healthcare providers or specialized therapists can play an invaluable role in addressing more severe cases of pelvic discomfort. By following these guidelines on how to relieve pelvic pain during pregnancy, you’re taking important steps towards ensuring both your own health and that of your growing baby.

Table of Contents:

Understand the Causes of Pelvic Pain During Pregnancy

Pregnant women commonly experience pelvic pain, the causes of which may include ligament laxity, increased weight and hormonal changes. It can be caused by various factors, such as ligament laxity, increased weight, and hormonal changes. Understanding these causes can help you find ways to relieve pelvic pain effectively.

Ligament Laxity

As your body prepares for childbirth, it releases a hormone called relaxin which loosens the ligaments in your pelvic girdle. This allows your pelvis to expand and accommodate the growing baby but may also lead to instability in the pelvic joints causing discomfort or even pain.

Increased Weight and Pressure on Pelvis

The additional weight gained during pregnancy puts extra pressure on your lower back and pelvis area. As a result, this strain may cause round ligament pain, groin pain or other types of discomfort in the pelvic region.

Hormonal Changes Affecting Muscles and Joints

Besides relaxin, other hormones produced during pregnancy can affect muscles and joints throughout your body leading to muscle imbalances around the sacroiliac joints (SI) at either side of your spine where it connects with your hip bones. These imbalances could contribute significantly towards developing pelvic girdle pain (PGP).

Tips for Managing Pelvic Pain During Pregnancy:

  • Maintain good posture: Proper alignment of your spine and pelvis can help reduce strain on the pelvic area. Make sure you sit, stand, and sleep with good posture.
  • Use a pregnancy pillow: A pregnancy pillow can provide extra support for your lower back and hips while sleeping or resting.
  • Avoid heavy lifting: Lifting heavy objects may worsen pelvic pain by putting additional stress on the pelvic joints. Ask for help when needed.
  • Pelvic floor exercises: Strengthening your pelvic floor muscles can improve stability in the pelvis and alleviate some discomforts associated with PGP.

In addition to these tips, consider seeking professional advice from a chiropractor who specializes in treating pregnant women or other healthcare providers knowledgeable about pregnancy-related issues. They may recommend specific treatments such as prenatal massage or adjustments to relieve pressure on the affected areas of your body during this crucial time of growth and change.

Unravelling the sources of pelvic soreness during gestation is necessary for diminishing its frequency and intensity. With good posture, pregnant women can help alleviate some of their discomfort associated with this condition.

Key Takeaway:

Pelvic pain during pregnancy is a common issue caused by ligament laxity, increased weight and hormonal changes. Good posture, using a pregnancy pillow, avoiding heavy lifting and pelvic floor exercises can help manage the discomfort. Seeking professional advice from chiropractors or healthcare providers knowledgeable about pregnancy-related issues may also provide relief through specific treatments such as prenatal massage or adjustments.

Practice Good Posture

Maintaining good posture during pregnancy is essential for reducing strain on your lower back and pelvis, which can help alleviate pelvic pain. When expecting, it’s essential to be aware of your position when you’re seated, standing and sleeping in order to guarantee appropriate alignment of the spine and pelvic joints.

Sitting Posture

When sitting, choose a chair with adequate lumbar support or use a lumbar roll. Keep feet flat on the floor, knees bent at a right angle to avoid putting pressure on the pelvic area. Avoid crossing your legs as this can cause additional pressure on the pelvic area.

Standing Posture

  • Bear weight evenly: Distribute your body weight equally between both feet while standing to prevent excessive stress on one side of the pelvis.
  • Tuck in abdomen: Gently pull in your abdominal muscles towards the spine without holding your breath; this helps stabilize the core and supports the lower back.
  • Avoid high heels: Wearing high-heeled shoes during pregnancy may exacerbate lower back pain by shifting your center of gravity forward. Opt for comfortable footwear that provides arch support instead.

Sleeping Position

To minimize discomfort during sleep, consider using a pregnancy pillow, which offers extra support for hips and belly. Sleep on one side (preferably left) with knees slightly bent and place pillows between them to reduce pressure on sacroiliac joints. This position also promotes optimal blood flow to the fetus.

Additional Tips

Take frequent pauses from sitting or standing for long durations, and incorporate mild stretches into your daily routine. Incorporate gentle stretches into your daily routine and avoid lifting heavy objects. If you need assistance with carrying items or moving furniture, don’t hesitate to ask for help from friends or family members.

Incorporating these postural habits during pregnancy can significantly reduce pelvic pain and improve overall comfort. Remember that each pregnant woman is unique; what works for one may not work for another. Therefore, always consult a healthcare professional before making any significant changes in your lifestyle while expecting.

Practicing good posture can help reduce pelvic pain during pregnancy. Working out on a regular basis is an effective way to maintain physical well-being and comfort while expecting.

Key Takeaway:

Maintaining good posture during pregnancy is crucial for reducing pelvic pain. Sitting with both feet flat on the floor, standing evenly on both feet, and sleeping on one side with a pillow between your knees can help alleviate discomfort. It’s also important to take regular breaks from sitting or standing for prolonged periods and avoid lifting heavy objects.

Exercise Regularly

Engaging in regular, low-impact exercises during pregnancy can help strengthen your core muscles and improve flexibility, which may alleviate pelvic pain. It’s essential to choose safe activities that won’t put too much strain on your pelvic area or increase the risk of injury.


Walking is a gentle exercise suitable for most pregnant women. It helps maintain cardiovascular fitness while also working the muscles around your pelvis and lower back. Aim to get a minimum of 30 minutes’ worth of walking in daily, but be mindful and adjust your speed as needed based on how you feel.


Swimming, especially in warm water, can be an excellent way to relieve pelvic pressure and reduce muscle tension without putting stress on joints like sacroiliac joints or pubic bone. The buoyant effect of water supports your growing belly while allowing you to stretch out tight muscles gently.

Prenatal Yoga

Prenatal yoga classes are specifically designed for pregnant women with poses that focus on strengthening pelvic floor muscles, improving balance, and promoting relaxation. These sessions often include modifications for different stages of pregnancy so you can continue practicing safely throughout each trimester.

Tips for Exercising Safely During Pregnancy:

  • Avoid high-impact sports or activities that involve sudden movements or jarring motions, as these can exacerbate pelvic pain and increase the risk of injury.
  • Wear supportive shoes -preferably zero drop- to reduce strain on your lower back and pelvis.
  • Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water before, during, and after exercise sessions.
  • If any pain or discomfort is experienced during exercise, immediately cease activity and seek professional advice to find activities suited for individual needs.

In addition to regular exercise, consider incorporating a pregnancy pillow into your bedtime routine. A well-placed pregnancy pillow can help support your growing belly and alleviate pressure on the pelvic region while sleeping. This simple addition may provide significant relief from round ligament pain or other pregnancy symptoms that contribute to pelvic discomfort at night.

Before beginning any exercise regimen during pregnancy, be sure to consult your healthcare provider for guidance. They will be able to guide you in choosing appropriate activities based on factors such as previous pregnancies or existing health conditions like groin pain or lower back issues that could affect subsequent pregnancies adversely if not addressed properly during this crucial time period.

Exercising habitually while expecting can help alleviate pelvic discomfort and promote general well-being. Heat therapy is another way to provide relief from the discomfort of pelvic pain during pregnancy.

Key Takeaway:

Regular, low-impact exercise such as walking, swimming and prenatal yoga can help alleviate pelvic pain during pregnancy by strengthening core muscles and improving flexibility. It’s important to choose safe activities that won’t strain the pelvic area or increase the risk of injury. Additionally, using a pregnancy pillow at night may provide significant relief from round ligament pain or other symptoms contributing to discomfort.

Use Heat Therapy

One effective way to relieve pelvic pain during pregnancy is by using heat therapy. Applying heat to the affected area can help relax tense muscles, reduce inflammation, and alleviate discomfort caused by round ligament pain, lower back pain, or other pregnancy symptoms.

Benefits of Heat Therapy for Pelvic Pain Relief

  • Promotes blood circulation in the pelvic region, which aids in healing and reduces muscle stiffness.
  • Eases tension on the sacroiliac joints and pubic bone.
  • Helps relax tight muscles around your pelvis that may be contributing to your discomfort.
  • Soothes groin pain associated with pelvic pressure or strain on round ligaments.

Tips for Using Heat Therapy Safely During Pregnancy

  1. Select a suitable heat source: Opt for heating pads specifically designed for pregnant women or use a warm towel instead of electric blankets or hot water bottles that might overheat you while you’re pregnant. Make sure not to apply direct heat onto your skin; always wrap it in a cloth first.
  2. Avoid high temperatures: Keep the temperature at a comfortable level - too much heat can cause burns and increase body temperature, which isn’t safe during pregnancy. Aim for warmth rather than intense heat when using any form of thermal relief like warm baths or showers.
  3. Limited duration: Apply the warmth only as long as needed (typically about 15 minutes) before taking breaks so as not to overheat your body or cause discomfort to your baby.
  4. Consult with a healthcare professional: If you have any concerns about using heat therapy during pregnancy, consult with your doctor, midwife, or chiropractor before proceeding. They can provide guidance on the safest methods for you and your growing baby.

In addition to heat therapy, consider other complementary treatments such as pregnancy massage, pelvic floor exercises, and gentle stretching routines. These practices can help strengthen the muscles in your pelvic area and alleviate pain caused by ligament laxity or increased weight during pregnancy. Every woman’s pregnancy is unique, so what works for one may not necessarily be effective for another. It’s essential to listen to your body and seek professional advice when needed.

Utilizing thermal therapy can be a great means to reduce pelvic discomfort during gestation, but it is essential to obtain specialist support for further direction. Professional advice from an experienced chiropractor can provide the best relief and comfort for expectant mothers.

Key Takeaway:

Using heat therapy is an effective way to relieve pelvic pain during pregnancy. It promotes blood circulation, eases tension on joints and bones, helps relax tight muscles, and soothes groin pain. However, it’s important to use a suitable heat source at a comfortable temperature for limited durations and consult with healthcare professionals if needed.

Seek Professional Help

If you’re experiencing pelvic pain during pregnancy, it’s essential to seek professional help from a qualified healthcare provider. A chiropractor who specializes in Webster Technique can assess your condition and provide tailored treatment options to alleviate your discomfort.

Chiropractic Care for Pregnant Women

By adjusting the spine and pelvis, chiropractors are qualified to address the source of pelvic girdle pain and other issues such as lower back pain, round ligament pain, and sacroiliac joint dysfunction that often accompany pregnancy. Chiropractors are trained professionals who can safely adjust the spine and pelvis during pregnancy, helping restore proper alignment and function of the affected joints.

Pregnancy Massage Therapy

A pregnancy massage therapist may also be beneficial in relieving pelvic area pain by targeting specific muscle groups that contribute to discomfort. This type of therapy helps improve blood circulation, relax tight muscles, reduce inflammation around the pubic bone or groin area while promoting overall relaxation for both mother-to-be and baby.

Tips for Choosing a Pregnancy Massage Therapist:

  • Select a therapist with specialized training in prenatal massage techniques.
  • Inquire about their experience working with pregnant women at different stages of gestation.
  • Ensure they use appropriate positioning aids like bolsters or pillows designed specifically for pregnant clients.

In addition to seeking professional help, consider incorporating self-care practices like taking warm baths, using muscle rub treatments, or exploring alternative birthing options like water birth into your daily routine. Collaborate with your healthcare professional to create a personalized plan that is just right for you during this momentous period.

Key Takeaway:

Pelvic pain during pregnancy can be relieved by seeking professional help from a chiropractor, pregnancy massage therapist or physical therapist. These professionals can provide tailored treatment options such as spinal adjustments, targeted muscle therapy and exercises to strengthen pelvic floor muscles. It’s important to choose experienced professionals with specialized training in prenatal care and communicate effectively with your healthcare team for an individualized plan.

FAQs in Relation to How to Relieve Pelvic Pain During Pregnancy

What helps relieve pelvic pain during pregnancy?

To relieve pelvic pain during pregnancy, maintain good posture, exercise regularly with low-impact activities like swimming or yoga, use heat therapy on the affected area, and seek professional help from a chiropractor. Additionally, wearing a maternity support belt can provide extra support.

How do you deal with pelvic girdle pain during pregnancy?

Pelvic girdle pain can be managed by practicing proper posture when sitting and standing, engaging in gentle exercises to strengthen your core muscles and hips under the guidance of a healthcare professional, using supportive devices such as pillows while sleeping for better alignment and comfort, and seeking advice from an experienced physiotherapist.

What makes pelvic pain worse during pregnancy?

Pelvic pain may worsen due to factors such as poor posture (especially while sitting), excessive weight gain throughout pregnancy leading to increased pressure on the pelvic region, lack of regular exercise which weakens supporting muscles, prolonged periods of standing without breaks, lifting heavy objects improperly, or frequently bending at the waist.

What is the best position for pelvic pain during pregnancy?

The best position for managing pelvic pain during pregnancy is usually lying down on your side with a pillow between your knees. This helps align your spine properly and reduces strain on your pelvis. You can also try elevating your legs slightly using another pillow under them for additional relief. For more tips on comfortable positions, check out this guide.


In conclusion, pelvic pain during pregnancy is a common symptom that many women experience. It can be caused by various factors such as the weight of the growing baby, hormonal changes, and previous pregnancies. However, there are ways to relieve this discomfort including practicing good posture, exercising regularly, using heat therapy, and seeking professional help.

By following these tips on how to relieve pelvic pain during pregnancy, you can make your pregnancy more comfortable and enjoyable. At White Bison Well-Being, we offer a range of services for pregnant women including massage treatments and birth plans to help ease any discomfort you may be experiencing in your pelvis or elsewhere. Contact us today to learn more about our services!

Contact us at White Bison Well-Being today to schedule an appointment with one of our experienced doctors who will work with you throughout your pregnancy journey. 385-308-1047