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From the desk of Dr. Travis Arrington

How to Sleep with Pelvic Pain During Pregnancy: Relief Guide

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Dealing with how to sleep with pelvic pain during pregnancy can be a challenging experience for many pregnant women. To maximize comfort and promote restful sleep, it is important to identify strategies that can help alleviate pelvic pain during pregnancy. In this article, we will delve into various strategies that can help you manage and relieve pelvic pain while sleeping.

We’ll start by understanding the causes of pelvic pain during pregnancy, followed by discussing the benefits of using supportive pillows designed specifically for expectant mothers. Next, we will explore different sleeping positions that may provide relief from pelvic pressure and discomfort.

In addition to these tips on how to sleep with pelvic pain during pregnancy, we’ll also discuss the importance of taking breaks throughout the day and seeking chiropractic support. By implementing these suggestions, you can improve your overall comfort and enjoy better quality sleep as your pregnancy progresses.

Table of Contents:

Understand the Causes of Pelvic Pain During Pregnancy

Pelvic pain during pregnancy is a common issue that many expectant mothers face. Understanding the causes can help you find relief and manage your discomfort more effectively. Some common reasons for pelvic pain in pregnant women include:

  • Hormonal changes: The body produces a hormone called relaxin during pregnancy, which helps to loosen ligaments and joints in preparation for childbirth. This can cause increased pressure on the pelvis, leading to pregnancy pelvic pain.
  • Weight gain: As your baby grows, so does your belly - putting extra strain on your lower back and pelvic area.
  • Round ligament pain: Round ligaments are bands of tissue that support the uterus; they stretch as the uterus expands, causing sharp or dull pains in the groin area.
  • Pelvic girdle pain (PGP): PGP occurs when there’s misalignment or stiffness in one or more of the joints within the pelvis (sacroiliac joints). It can lead to severe pelvic pain caused by instability and inflammation.
  • Increased pressure on nerves: As pregnancy progresses, growing weight puts additional stress on nerves surrounding your lower back and pelvis region.

If you’re experiencing pelvic pain during early pregnancy or subsequent pregnancies, it’s essential to discuss these concerns with a healthcare professional who can provide guidance on how to relieve pelvic pain.

Factors That Can Exacerbate Pelvic Pain

Beyond the common causes mentioned above, certain factors can make your pelvic pain worse. These include:

  • Poor posture: Slouching or standing with an arched back can put additional strain on your lower back and pelvis.
  • Lack of exercise: Staying active during pregnancy helps maintain muscle strength and flexibility, which can alleviate some pressure in the pelvic area. It is vital to talk with a medical expert before beginning any new physical activity during pregnancy.
  • Inadequate support from footwear: Wearing unsupportive shoes can lead to increased discomfort in the hips and pelvis due to poor alignment. Consider zero drop shoes with a wide toe box like Altra or Vivo.

To manage these risk factors effectively, consider incorporating exercises like pelvic tilts, practicing good posture habits, and investing in supportive footwear as part of your daily routine. By addressing these issues early on, you may be able to reduce or even prevent severe pelvic pain during pregnancy.

Understanding the causes of pelvic pain during pregnancy is essential for finding relief and reducing discomfort. To help with this, using a supportive pillow can be beneficial in alleviating some of the pressure on your pelvis.

Key Takeaway:

Pregnancy pelvic pain is a common issue caused by hormonal changes, weight gain, round ligament pain, PGP and increased pressure on nerves. Poor posture, lack of exercise and inadequate support from footwear can exacerbate the condition. To manage these risk factors effectively, consider incorporating exercises like pelvic tilts, practicing good posture habits and investing in supportive footwear as part of your daily routine.

Use a Supportive Pillow

Pelvic pain during pregnancy can be alleviated by using a supportive pillow designed to provide relief for pregnant women. A pregnancy pillow is specifically created to help reduce pressure on your lower back and hips while sleeping, making it an essential tool in managing pelvic discomfort.

Selecting the Right Pregnancy Pillow

  • Type: There are various types of pregnancy pillows available, such as C-shaped, U-shaped, wedge-shaped, and full-length pillows. Choose one that suits your needs and provides adequate support for your growing belly.
  • Filling Material: The filling material should be comfortable yet firm enough to maintain its shape over time. Common materials include memory foam, polyester fiberfill, or microbeads.
  • Cover Fabric: Opt for a cover fabric that is soft against the skin and easy to clean since you will likely use this pillow throughout your entire pregnancy.

Tips for Using Your Pregnancy Pillow Effectively

  1. To relieve back pain caused by pelvic pressure or round ligament pain in early pregnancy stages: Place the pillow between your knees while lying on your side; this helps align the spine and reduces strain on the lower back muscles.
  2. If you’re experiencing severe pelvic girdle pain due to sacroiliac joint dysfunction: Position yourself with a regular pillow under your head and place the pregnancy pillow between both legs from ankles up towards groin area; this supports proper hip alignment which eases stress on joints surrounding pelvis region including pubic bone.
  3. For pelvic floor muscle tension or Braxton Hicks contractions: Use a wedge-shaped pillow under your belly while lying on your side to provide additional support and minimize discomfort caused by the weight of your growing baby.

In addition to using a pregnancy pillow, you can also try other methods such as pelvic tilts, prenatal yoga, or even wearing a pelvic belt for added support. Remember that every woman’s experience with pregnancy is unique, so it may take some trial and error to find what works best for you in relieving pelvic pain during this special time.

A cushion can be of aid in decreasing pelvic pain during gestation, and is a fundamental component for achieving quality rest. To further reduce discomfort while sleeping, try experimenting with different positions throughout the night.

Key Takeaway:

Using a supportive pregnancy pillow can alleviate pelvic pain during pregnancy by reducing pressure on the lower back and hips while sleeping. When selecting a pregnancy pillow, consider the type, filling material, and cover fabric. To use it effectively for different types of discomforts such as back pain or muscle tension, position yourself with regular pillows or wedges to support proper alignment and minimize discomfort caused by the weight of your growing baby.

Sleep in Different Positions

However, experimenting with different positions may help you discover one that provides relief and allows for better rest. Here are some suggestions:

  • Sleep on your side: Many pregnant women find that sleeping on their side, especially the left side, is the most comfortable position. This helps to relieve pressure on the pelvic area and promotes better blood flow to both you and your baby.
  • Use pillows for support: Placing a pregnancy pillow, or even just a regular pillow, between your knees while lying on your side can provide additional support and reduce strain on your hips and lower back.
  • Elevate your upper body: If you’re experiencing pelvic pain caused by increased pressure from the growing uterus, try elevating your upper body with pillows when lying down. This can help redistribute weight more evenly across the pelvis.

In addition to trying these positions, consider incorporating gentle stretches into your bedtime routine to ease tension in the muscles surrounding the pelvis. Some examples include cat-cow stretches or prenatal yoga poses like child’s pose or pigeon pose.

If none of these methods seem effective at relieving severe pelvic pain during sleep, don’t hesitate to consult with a healthcare professional about other potential solutions such as wearing a pelvic belt.

Maintaining Proper Alignment While Sleeping

For optimal relief from pelvic pain at night, make sure your spine and pelvis are correctly aligned. Here are some tips:

  • Keep your knees slightly bent: When sleeping on your side, avoid straightening out your legs completely. Instead, keep them slightly bent to help maintain the natural curve of your lower back.
  • Avoid crossing your ankles or legs: Crossing one leg over the other can lead to misalignment in the hips and exacerbate pelvic pain. Keep both feet on the bed or use a cushion for assistance if required.
  • Maintain a neutral spine position: Whether you’re lying down or sitting up, try to keep a slight arch in your lower back without overarching or flattening it excessively. This helps prevent strain on the sacroiliac joints and reduces pressure on surrounding muscles.

Finding ways to alleviate pregnancy-related pelvic pain while sleeping is crucial for maintaining overall well-being during this special time in life. Don’t hesitate to seek professional advice if necessary as each individual’s experience may vary significantly.

Proper sleep posture is essential for reducing pelvic pain during pregnancy. To ensure a restful night, it is necessary to take pauses throughout the day in order to minimize strain and exhaustion that can cause uneasiness during sleep.

Key Takeaway:

Experimenting with different sleeping positions, such as sleeping on your side and using pillows for support, can help alleviate pelvic pain during pregnancy. Incorporating gentle stretches into your bedtime routine and maintaining proper alignment of the spine and pelvis while sleeping can also provide relief. If severe pelvic pain persists, consulting a healthcare professional about other potential solutions is recommended.

Take Breaks During the Day

Taking regular breaks throughout the day can help alleviate pelvic pain caused by pregnancy. Set aside time to pause and give your pelvic region a break, allowing it to relax and ease any discomfort while helping you feel better overall.

Schedule Rest Periods

It’s essential to plan short rest periods during your daily routine when you’re pregnant, especially if you experience severe pelvic pain or groin pain. Aim for 10-15 minute breaks every couple of hours to relax your body and ease tension in the pelvic area.

Elevate Your Legs

Elevating your legs while resting can help reduce swelling and improve blood flow in the lower extremities, which may contribute to relieving back pain associated with pregnancy hormones affecting sacroiliac joints. Use a footstool or stack pillows under your feet for added support.

Practice Pelvic Tilts

Pelvic tilts are simple exercises that strengthen the muscles around your hips and lower back, helping alleviate some of the pressure on your pelvic bones as pregnancy progresses. Incorporate these movements into your break times for maximum benefits:

  • Lie down on a comfortable surface with knees bent and feet flat on the floor.
  • Gently tighten abdominal muscles while pressing lower back into the floor; hold this position for five seconds before releasing slowly.
  • Repeat the exercise 10-15 times per session, aiming for two to three sessions daily.

Apply Heat or Cold Therapy

Using a heating pad or ice pack on your lower back can help relieve pain in the pelvic region. Alternate between heat and cold therapy throughout the day, applying each method for 15-20 minutes at a time. Remember to wrap the heating pad or ice pack in a towel before placing it against your skin to avoid burns or frostbite.

Wear Supportive Clothing

Investing in maternity clothing that provides adequate support for your growing belly is essential during pregnancy, especially if you’re experiencing pelvic pain caused by subsequent pregnancies affecting pubic bone alignment. Look for garments with built-in support bands that gently lift and cradle your bump without causing discomfort around sensitive areas like sacroiliac joints.

Taking regular breaks throughout the day can help reduce pelvic pain during pregnancy and provide much needed rest. Seeking chiropractic care is another way to manage this discomfort, as a professional may be able to adjust your spine or pelvis for optimal comfort.

Key Takeaway:

To alleviate pelvic pain during pregnancy, take regular breaks throughout the day and schedule short rest periods. Elevate your legs, practice pelvic tilts, apply heat or cold therapy, and wear supportive clothing to reduce discomfort and promote overall well-being.

Seek Chiropractic Help

If you’re experiencing persistent pelvic pain during pregnancy, it’s essential to seek professional help from a chiropractor who specializes in prenatal care. A chiropractor can provide tailored treatments and advice on how to manage your pelvic pain effectively.

Benefits of Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy

  • Pain relief: Chiropractors use gentle adjustments to correct misalignments in the spine and pelvis, which can alleviate pressure on nerves and muscles causing your pelvic pain.
  • Better posture: As your pregnancy progresses, maintaining proper posture becomes more challenging due to changes in weight distribution. A chiropractor can help improve your posture by addressing spinal imbalances that contribute to discomfort.
  • Injury prevention: Regular chiropractic care throughout pregnancy may reduce the risk of injuries related to joint instability or muscle strain caused by hormonal changes affecting ligaments and tendons.
  • Labor preparation: Ensuring optimal alignment of the pelvis may facilitate a smoother labor process by allowing for adequate space for baby’s descent through the birth canal.

Finding a Qualified Prenatal Chiropractor

To ensure you receive appropriate treatment during pregnancy, look for a chiropractor with specialized training in prenatal care. The International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA) offers certification programs specifically designed for practitioners working with pregnant women. Dr. Arrington is certified by the ICPA in the Webster technique and is exceptionally qualified to help with prenatal care.

Additional Therapies to Complement Chiropractic Care

In addition to chiropractic adjustments, your practitioner may recommend other therapies to help relieve pelvic pain during pregnancy. These can include:

  • Pregnancy massage: A professional pregnancy massage can help relax tight muscles and improve circulation in the pelvic region, providing relief from discomfort.
  • Pelvic belt: Wearing a supportive pelvic belt can provide additional stability to the sacroiliac joints and reduce strain on surrounding muscles and ligaments.
  • Gentle exercises: Engaging in low-impact activities like prenatal yoga or swimming can help strengthen your core muscles, which support the pelvis and lower back. Consult with your healthcare provider before starting any new exercise routine while pregnant.

Seeking chiropractic care during pregnancy can be a proactive way to tackle pelvic pain due to hormonal alterations, weight gain, and the extra strain on the pelvis. Remember to always consult with your healthcare provider before beginning any new treatment plan while pregnant.

Key Takeaway:

Persistent pelvic pain during pregnancy can be managed effectively by seeking chiropractic help. A qualified prenatal chiropractor can provide tailored treatments, including gentle adjustments to correct misalignments in the spine and pelvis, which alleviate pressure on nerves and muscles causing your pelvic pain. Additional therapies such as pregnancy massage, wearing a supportive pelvic belt, and engaging in low-impact activities like prenatal yoga or swimming may also complement chiropractic care.

FAQs in Relation to How to Sleep With Pelvic Pain During Pregnancy

How to Sleep with Pelvic Pain During Pregnancy

If you’re pregnant and experiencing pelvic pain, you’re not alone. Many pregnant women experience pelvic pain caused by the added weight and pressure on the pelvic area, as well as the effects of pregnancy hormones on the pelvic joints and muscles. Fortunately, there are ways to relieve pelvic pain and get a good night’s sleep.

How Should I Sleep to Relieve Pelvic Pain?

To relieve pelvic pain during pregnancy, try sleeping on your side with a supportive pillow between your knees. This position helps align the pelvis and reduces pressure on the joints. You can also experiment with different positions to find what works best for you.

Why Is My Pelvic Pain Worse at Night During Pregnancy?

Pelvic pain may worsen at night due to increased weight bearing throughout the day, hormonal changes, and muscle fatigue. Additionally, lying down can cause ligaments supporting the uterus to stretch, which may exacerbate discomfort. Using a supportive pillow and finding comfortable sleeping positions can help alleviate nighttime pain.

How Should I Sleep to Relieve Pelvic Pain During Pregnancy?

Sleeping in a side-lying position with a pregnancy pillow between your legs can help reduce pelvic pain by maintaining proper alignment of your spine and hips. Experimenting with other positions such as propping yourself up or using additional pillows for support might provide further relief.

How Should I Lay with Pelvic Girdle Pain?

If you’re experiencing pelvic girdle pain, laying on your side while supporting both your belly and legs with pillows is recommended. Ensure that one leg rests slightly forward from the other so that both knees are bent comfortably without putting extra strain on the pelvis.


Coping with pelvic pain during gestation can be arduous, particularly when it comes to getting quality sleep. However, there are several things you can do to alleviate the discomfort and get some much-needed rest. Understanding the causes of pelvic pain, using supportive pillows, sleeping in different positions, taking breaks during the day, and seeking chiropractic help are all effective ways to manage this condition.

If you’re experiencing pelvic pain during pregnancy, don’t despair. By implementing these strategies and working closely with your healthcare provider or a trusted chiropractor, you can find relief from your symptoms and enjoy a more comfortable pregnancy experience overall.

One of the most effective ways to relieve pelvic pain during pregnancy is to use a pregnancy pillow. These specially designed pillows can help support your growing belly and take pressure off your pelvic area. Additionally, a pregnancy massage can help ease tension in your pelvic muscles and provide overall relaxation.

Another common cause of pelvic pain during pregnancy is round ligament pain. This occurs when the ligaments that support your uterus stretch and thicken to accommodate your growing baby. To alleviate this type of pain, try doing pelvic tilts or using a heating pad on your lower back.

As your pregnancy progresses, you may also experience Braxton Hicks contractions, which can cause pelvic pressure and discomfort. To manage this type of pain, try changing positions or taking a warm bath.

Overall, there are many ways to manage pelvic pain during pregnancy. By staying active, using supportive pillows and belts, and seeking chiropractic care, you can find relief from your symptoms and enjoy a more comfortable pregnancy experience.

At White Bison Well-Being, we understand how important it is for pregnant women to feel their best throughout every stage of their journey. We provide a variety of services to ensure expectant mothers stay healthy and active during their pregnancy. To learn more about our approach to prenatal care or schedule an appointment, visit our website.