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From the desk of Dr. Travis Arrington

Easing Shoulder Pain When Sleeping: Tips and Solutions

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Experiencing shoulder pain when sleeping can be a frustrating and debilitating issue for many individuals. Not only does shoulder pain interfere with restful sleep, but it can also impact daily activities and overall health. This post explores the potential causes of shoulder pain during sleep, including rotator cuff injuries, frozen shoulder and osteoarthritis.

To help alleviate or prevent shoulder pain during sleep, we will discuss various strategies that you can incorporate into your routine. You’ll learn about improving your sleep posture to reduce pressure on the affected shoulder joint, using pillows for additional support and comfort throughout the night.

Furthermore, we’ll explore the benefits of regular exercise in maintaining healthy shoulders and preventing further discomfort. Lastly, seeking professional help from healthcare providers is essential if you’re experiencing severe or persistent shoulder pain when sleeping – our blog post will guide you through understanding when it’s time to consult an expert.

Table of Contents:

Understand the Causes of Shoulder Pain When Sleeping

Shoulder pain when sleeping can be a frustrating and uncomfortable issue for many individuals, especially for families with kids who may have difficulty finding a comfortable position to sleep in. To effectively prevent shoulder pain while sleeping, it’s essential to understand its common causes.

Poor Posture

One major cause of shoulder pain during sleep is poor posture. Slouching or curving your back for extended periods can cause an imbalance in the muscles around your shoulders, which may worsen when you hit the hay. Ensuring that you maintain proper posture throughout the day will help alleviate some of this tension.

Muscle Tension

Muscle tension from stress or overexertion is another common culprit behind shoulder pain while sleeping. Tight muscles around your neck and shoulders can make it difficult to find a comfortable position for restful sleep. Practicing relaxation techniques such as deep breathing exercises or gentle stretches before bed may help reduce muscle tension.

Sleeping on Your Side

If you’re a side sleeper, there’s an increased likelihood that you’ll experience shoulder discomfort due to pressure placed directly on one side of your body all night long. This pressure could result in inflammation and irritation within the joint itself, leading to chronic discomfort if not addressed properly.

Injuries and Medical Conditions

  • Rotator Cuff Injuries: Damage or tears in the tendons surrounding your shoulder joint are known as rotator cuff injuries; these conditions often cause significant nighttime discomfort.
  • Arthritis: Arthritis, an inflammation of the joints, can also lead to shoulder pain when sleeping.
  • Tendinitis and Bursitis: Inflammation in the tendons (tendinitis) or bursae (bursitis) around your shoulder joint can cause discomfort during sleep.

In some cases, medical conditions may be responsible for causing nighttime shoulder pain. If you believe an injury or condition is the cause of your shoulder pain, it’s important to seek professional advice for diagnosis and treatment.

Comprehending the root of shoulder soreness when slumbering is imperative for discovering methods to lessen or abolish it. Improving your sleep posture can help you achieve a more comfortable and restful night’s sleep, allowing you to wake up feeling refreshed and without any lingering discomfort in your shoulders.

Key Takeaway:

Shoulder pain when sleeping can be caused by poor posture, muscle tension, side-sleeping, or injuries and medical conditions such as rotator cuff injuries, arthritis, tendinitis or bursitis. To prevent shoulder pain while sleeping it is important to maintain proper posture throughout the day and practice relaxation techniques before bed. If you suspect a specific injury or condition is causing your discomfort consult with a chiropractor for diagnosis and treatment options.

Improve Your Sleep Posture

Adjusting your sleep position can significantly reduce shoulder pain while sleeping, as it helps to alleviate pressure on the affected area and maintain proper alignment of your spine. Here are some tips for improving your sleep posture:

Sleep on Your Back

Sleeping on your back is considered the best position for spinal health, as it evenly distributes body weight and minimizes pressure points. To prevent shoulder pain when sleeping in this position, place a small pillow under each arm to support them and keep them elevated.

Try Side Sleeping with Proper Alignment

If you prefer side sleeping, make sure to choose the opposite side of the painful shoulder to avoid putting additional strain on it. Keep a pillow between your knees to ensure proper hip alignment and use another pillow or rolled-up towel behind your back for added support.

Avoid Stomach Sleeping

Stomach sleeping can cause misalignment of the spine and neck, leading to increased tension in muscles around the shoulders which may exacerbate existing shoulder pain issues. Therefore, try avoiding this sleep position if possible.

Daily Habits That Affect Sleep Posture:

  • Maintain good sitting posture during daytime activities by keeping both feet flat on the floor with knees at a right angle. Sit up straight without slouching or leaning forward excessively.
  • Avoid carrying heavy bags over one shoulder only - opt instead for backpacks that distribute weight evenly across both shoulders.
  • Do regular stretches throughout the day to ease up any strain in your neck, back, and shoulders. Try incorporating stretches specifically designed for shoulder pain relief.

Incorporating these tips into your daily routine can help improve sleep posture and reduce shoulder pain when sleeping. Be persistent in your efforts to improve your sleep posture and reduce shoulder pain, as these changes will not happen overnight.

Improving your sleep posture can help alleviate shoulder pain while sleeping. To further promote comfort and lessen the probability of waking with aching shoulders, using cushions for backing when reclining is essential.

Key Takeaway:

Adjusting your sleep position can help reduce shoulder pain while sleeping. Sleeping on your back with pillows under each arm or side sleeping with proper alignment and a pillow between the knees are recommended positions, while stomach sleeping should be avoided. Maintaining good posture during daytime activities and regular stretches can also improve sleep posture and alleviate shoulder pain.

Use Pillows for Support

Strategically using pillows can alleviate shoulder pain when sleeping. Properly positioning pillows can maintain spinal alignment and reduce pressure on your shoulders.

Choose the Right Pillow for Your Head

Select a pillow that provides adequate support for your head and neck to prevent shoulder pain while sleeping. A pillow designed for neck pain can help maintain proper spinal alignment. Ensure that the pillow’s height keeps your head aligned with your spine, avoiding any strain on the muscles around your shoulders.

Place a Pillow Between Your Knees or Legs

If you’re a side sleeper, placing a pillow between your knees or legs can help keep your hips aligned and reduce stress on both your lower back and shoulders. This simple addition helps distribute weight evenly across the body, minimizing discomfort throughout the night.

Hug a Body Pillow While Sleeping On Your Side

A body pillow can also offer relief from shoulder pain by providing additional support to both arms when sleeping on one’s side - simply hug it close to you as you sleep. This will prevent excessive pressure being placed onto one arm while also helping maintain proper spinal alignment.

Watch this informative video demonstrating how to position pillows for shoulder pain relief.

To better understand how these techniques work together, watch this informative video demonstrating how to position pillows for shoulder pain relief.

Experiment with Different Pillow Materials and Firmness Levels

Personal preference plays a significant role in finding the right pillow. Experimenting with a variety of materials (like memory foam, latex, or down) and levels of firmness could be the key to finding the ideal pillow for you.

Try an Orthopedic Contour Pillow

An orthopedic contour pillow can help align the head, neck and shoulders to alleviate pressure points while sleeping. These pillows can help maintain proper spinal alignment and reduce pressure on sensitive areas like your shoulders. At White Bison Well-being we have a variety of orthopedic pillows that can support your neck and shoulders while you sleep and alleviate pain.

Incorporating these strategies into your sleep routine can significantly improve comfort levels during restorative slumber - reducing shoulder pain while ensuring a better night’s sleep overall.

Using pillows to support your body while sleeping can help reduce shoulder pain and improve overall comfort. Keeping up with regular physical activity, like extending or muscle-building exercises, is a key factor in dealing with shoulder uneasiness.

Key Takeaway:

To alleviate shoulder pain when sleeping, use pillows for support and choose the right pillow for your head to maintain spinal alignment. Placing a pillow between your knees or hugging a body pillow while sleeping on your side can also help reduce stress on both lower back and shoulders. Experiment with different materials and firmness levels of pillows to find what works best for you, including orthopedic contour pillows designed specifically to support natural curves of head, neck, and shoulders.

Exercise Regularly

Engaging in regular exercise can help strengthen the muscles around your shoulders and improve your posture while sleeping, ultimately reducing shoulder pain. Incorporating a combination of strength training, flexibility exercises, and aerobic activities into your routine will not only benefit your overall health but also target specific areas contributing to shoulder discomfort.

Aerobic Activities

Aerobic exercises, such as walking, swimming, or cycling, promote cardiovascular health and increase blood flow to the muscles surrounding the shoulders. This increased circulation helps reduce inflammation and alleviate pain caused by muscle tension or injury.

Strength Training Exercises

  • Rotator Cuff Strengthening: The rotator cuff is a group of four muscles that stabilize the shoulder joint. Performing resistance band exercises like external rotations can help build strength in these essential muscles.
  • Deltoid Strengthening: Dumbbell lateral raises are an effective way to work on strengthening the deltoids - large triangular-shaped muscles covering each shoulder joint.
  • Trapezius Strengthening: Shoulder shrugs with dumbbells or barbells target the trapezius muscle which runs from the base of your skull down to mid-back along either side of the spine; this muscle supports proper posture when sleeping on one’s side.

Flexibility Exercises for Improved Posture

Maintaining good flexibility in key areas such as the chest, upper back, and neck is crucial for maintaining optimal sleep posture. Try incorporating some stretching exercises like these into your daily routine:

  • Chest Stretch: Stand in a doorway with one arm extended to the side, elbow bent at 90 degrees, and forearm resting against the doorframe. Gently lean forward until you feel a stretch across your chest; hold for 15-30 seconds.
  • Upper Back Stretch: Sit on the edge of a chair with feet flat on the floor. Clasp hands behind the head and gently pull elbows back while arching the upper back slightly; hold for 15-30 seconds.

In addition to regular exercise, consider incorporating activities such as yoga or Pilates that focus on improving posture, flexibility, and muscle balance. These practices can help prevent shoulder pain when sleeping by promoting proper alignment throughout the body during rest.

Exercising regularly is an important part of maintaining good health and avoiding shoulder pain when sleeping. Seeking professional help from a chiropractor can provide additional guidance on how to manage your shoulder pain while you sleep.

Key Takeaway:

Regular exercise is key to reducing shoulder pain when sleeping. Incorporating a combination of aerobic activities, strength training exercises, and flexibility exercises can help strengthen muscles around the shoulders, improve posture while sleeping, and reduce inflammation caused by muscle tension or injury. Additionally, practicing yoga or Pilates can promote proper alignment throughout the body during rest.

Seek Professional Help

If you have attempted to improve your sleep posture, utilized pillows for support, and maintained a regular exercise routine yet still suffer from shoulder pain while sleeping, it may be time to seek expert assistance. A chiropractor or physical therapist can assess your condition and provide personalized treatment plans to alleviate your discomfort.

Chiropractic Care

Chiropractors are trained professionals who specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal disorders, including those affecting the shoulders. They use a variety of techniques such as spinal adjustments, soft tissue therapy, and rehabilitative exercises to address underlying issues that may be contributing to your shoulder pain while sleeping.

  • Spinal Adjustments: This technique involves applying controlled force on specific joints in the spine to improve mobility and reduce inflammation.
  • Soft Tissue Therapy: Chiropractors use various hands-on methods like massage or trigger point therapy to release tension in muscles surrounding the shoulder joint.
  • Rehabilitative Exercises: These exercises aim at strengthening weak muscles around the shoulder area while increasing flexibility for better overall function during sleep.

In summary, seeking professional help from a chiropractor is an effective way to address persistent shoulder pain when sleeping. These experts are equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to identify underlying issues contributing to your discomfort and develop tailored treatment plans for long-lasting relief.

Key Takeaway:

If you experience shoulder pain when sleeping, try improving your sleep posture and exercising regularly. If the pain persists, seek professional help from a chiropractor who can assess your condition and provide personalized treatment plans using techniques such as spinal adjustments, soft tissue therapy, rehabilitative exercises, manual therapy, exercise prescription and patient education to alleviate discomfort.

FAQs in Relation to Shoulder Pain When Sleeping

Why Do My Shoulders Hurt at Night While Sleeping?

If you experience shoulder pain at night, it could be due to poor sleep posture, muscle imbalances, or underlying medical conditions such as rotator cuff injuries and frozen shoulder. Additionally, stress and overuse of the shoulder muscles during the day can contribute to nighttime discomfort.

How Can I Treat and Reduce Shoulder Pain When Sleeping?

To prevent shoulder pain while sleeping, improve your sleep posture by lying on your back or unaffected side with a supportive pillow. Use additional pillows for support between your knees and under your arm. Incorporate regular exercise to strengthen the surrounding muscles and consider seeking professional help if pain persists.

Shoulder pain due to severe shoulder injuries, like rotator cuff tears often require medical intervention. In cases of shoulder impingement, where shoulder impingement occurs due to the compression of rotator cuff tendons, an adjustment to the shoulder joint can often restore the proper function of that area and relieve shoulder pain altogether.

It is important to address shoulder pain as poor quality sleep leads to daytime fatigue and can make preexisting shoulder pain worse. If you are experiencing shoulder pain, it is important to take steps to relieve the pain and promote a restful nights sleep.


Nonetheless, with knowledge of the causes and some changes to your sleep position, use of cushions for support, regular exercise and medical help when needed, shoulder discomfort at night can be alleviated or even avoided.

By taking these steps, you can not only enjoy a more restful night’s sleep but also promote better overall health. Don’t let shoulder pain interfere with your quality of life - take action today to find relief.

If you’re experiencing shoulder pain or affected by shoulder injuries, such as rotator cuff tears, frozen shoulder, or shoulder impingement, it’s important to seek professional help to treat and relieve the pain. White Bison Well-Being offers expert guidance and support for a variety of shoulder conditions.

Improving your sleeping position can also help prevent shoulder pain. Sleeping occurs due to a person’s typical sleeping position, and poor quality sleep leads to pain, aching, and stiffness. Using pillows for support and adjusting your sleeping position can help reduce the risk of experiencing shoulder pain at night.

Regular exercise can also help heal shoulder injuries and prevent preexisting shoulder pain from getting worse. The rotator cuff comprises muscles and tendons that support the shoulder joint, and exercising these muscles can help reduce the risk of rotator cuff injuries and shoulder impingement. However, it’s important to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any exercise program.

If you’re experiencing severe shoulder pain or night time shoulder pain that affects your ability to fall asleep or stay asleep, it’s important to seek professional help. Shoulder bursitis, shoulder osteoarthritis, and shoulder neck pain are common causes of shoulder pain that may require professional support.

Don’t let shoulder pain interfere with your daily life. Take action today to find relief and improve your overall well-being.

If you’re looking for additional resources on managing shoulder pain or other health concerns, visit White Bison Wellbeing for expert guidance and support.